Dress to impress at work

Dress to impress at work
SEEK content teamupdated on 05 February, 2018

Wanna get ahead at work? Then put some oomph into your nine to five with a wardrobe makeover. Image is important at work and dressing to fit in is a big part of that, says stylist Jackie O?Fee of Signature Style. 

A makeover may even lead to a promotion. Follow O’Fee’s failsafe tips for dressing for success at work and say goodbye to wardrobe malfunctions:

  1. Nail the company dress code. The best way to do this is to look at how your boss dresses, says O’Fee.  Even if he or she is 40 and you’re 20 you can still look to them for the “vibe”. Or you could ask your boss: ‘how should I dress?’.
  2. Look a bit funky if you’re in a “cool job”. Pinstripe suits just don’t cut it in über cool offices. Look around you for clues to the fashion rules for your job.
  3. Consider the clients. Your advertising buddies may be impressed with your look. But the accountancy firm you want to clinch a deal with might not think the same way says O’Fee.   
  4. Keep up appearances. You nailed the job interview looking fab. The trick is to repeat that look every day at work. Fashion faux pas in the office are all too common says O’Fee, who is often called into workplaces to give advice to individual employees or entire teams.     
  5. Beware of Fashion Crime Friday. Casual Friday is not an invitation to wear your onesie. Don’t laugh. It has been done. O’Fee was called up for some advice by one company that sent an employee home to change her Ugg Boots into something more fitting for the tone of the office. 
  6. Up your game. It may be acceptable to have a cheap suit in your first job or leggings and a t-shirt, says O’Fee. Once you’ve been there a year or two it’s time to up your game and move from t-shirts to blouses and cheap suits to tailored ones.   
  7. Watch for subtle fashion clues. How much jewellery do your senior colleagues wear? Does anyone have strong smelling perfume or aftershave? Are open toed sandals acceptable? These are clues you should follow.
  8. Keep it seemly. Cleavage of the womanly or the builder’s kind should be kept hidden at work. So too for see-through clothing. Anything that shows skin or shape can make your colleagues uncomfortable.  
  9. Get some fashion advice. It doesn’t cost too much to see a fashion stylist. Your investment will be repaid with clothing bought at a discount or simply by saving you from making costly mistakes. If you’re really broke, says O’Fee then consider going to one of Westfield’s free 15 minute stylist sessions. Or just Google terms such as “how to dress at work”. 
Beware of Fashion Crime Friday. Casual Friday is not an invitation to wear your onesie.
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