ACH Group

3.1 total rating from 54 reviews

Working at ACH Group


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Apr 2023
Yankalilla SA 5203

I was not a good experience.

The good things
The residents are lovely
The challenges
Not enough staff to many agencies workers that don’t know what they’re doing
3 people found this helpful
Aged Care Registered Nurse
Jan 2023
Mclaren Vale SA 5171
More than 12 years in the role

It broke my soul

The good things
Great crew to work with on site.
The challenges
Poor management at site and executive level. Admin told not to roster experienced RNs due to cost Residents needs not met
5 people found this helpful
Registered Nurse
Jul 2022
Mile End SA 5031
1 to 2 years in the role, current employee

Good place to work, supportive management team

The good things
Nice friendly staff from day one at the job interview, well greeted by reception staff at the head office. Most work colleagues are nice, managers being supportive too.
The challenges
Can have busy days due to short of staff
1 person found this helpful
Marketing Role
Jul 2022
South Australia, Australia
current employee

Apply for that job, give yourself a chance - and ask a lot of questions.

The good things
Working with some nice people and enjoying the challenges.
The challenges
Nothing unexpected if you can see the challenges as opportunities.
2 people found this helpful
Administration Role
Jul 2022
South Australia, Australia
7 to 8 years in the role

Great opportunities but the bad outweighed the good

The good things
Working with some fantastic, passionate people
The challenges
Incredibly poor management and executive decision making. Poor communication and the left hand never knows what the right hand is doing. High level of internal politics and number of managers promoted into roles where they have no knowledge or experience and left to sink or swim on their own
5 people found this helpful
IT Role
Jun 2022
South Australia, Australia

Clear strategy and great leadership with good growth opportunities

The good things
Clear strategy, great purpose and offers lots of opportunity to learn new things and develop
The challenges
It is an industry that is undergoing significant transformation so can be challenging at times. Not for those scared of hard work and as an NFP probably not for those motivated solely by money
1 person found this helpful
Information Technology Role
Sep 2021
South Australia, Australia

Some extremely poor managers are not dealt with

The good things
The cause is a worthy one
The challenges
There are a few bad eggs among the management.
4 people found this helpful
Personal Care Worker
Sep 2021
South Australia, Australia
3 to 4 years in the role

Very negative and only got worse

The good things
None, need more words but honestly nothing
The challenges
Management, other staff and the company as a whole not listening or caring. Being treated poorly or blatantly ignored
4 people found this helpful
Customer Service
Nov 2020
South Australia, Australia

Not the best work environment.

The good things
Great colleagues who were fun and supportive.
The challenges
Poor Management and leadership atrocious and toxic. What started out as a great place to work turned into a bad experience. Think twice. If it sounds too good to be true - its too good to be true. Not what is portrayed as a great place to work.
7 people found this helpful
Community Nurse
Jun 2020
South Australia, Australia
former employee

would not waste energy on this company, read most of the other comments, all mainly negative

The good things
There is no good things
The challenges
Your a number, they don't care of how much travel is required in your own car, pay is below average, management poor, workload expectation to high, no continuity
5 people found this helpful
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