Monash University

Monash University

Institution rating
Positive career impact
Recommended by students

About us

  • Monash University offer a wide range of degrees at their campuses in Melbourne and online
  • A global outlook – join an industry and research-focused community
  • Access state-of-the-art facilities

Student reviews

How do students rate their experience?

Average rating of 951 course reviews

Current and industry-relevant content
Course content compared to what was expected
Balance between theory and practical work
Quality of teachers and academic support
Ability to balance study with your other commitments
Assistance to help you find a job
Quality of online study portal
Transparency of course fees

What are students saying about their experience?

951 course reviews

Published May 2024
Monash University
Graduation dateN/A
Study mode
Student review
The learning process was enriching & the outcome was more than welcome. Very useful qualification!
Published May 2024
Monash University
Graduation dateN/A
Study mode
Student review
I recently completed my Master of Business at Monash University, and overall, my experience has been incredibly positive. The program is well-structured, offering a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of business disciplines. The faculty members are knowledgeable and approachable, providing valuable insights and support throughout my studies. The coursework is rigorous and engaging, challenging students to think critically and apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. The collaborative environment encourages networking and the exchange of ideas, which has been instrumental in broadening my perspective and enhancing my learning experience. One aspect that I particularly appreciated was the emphasis on practical skills and industry relevance. The case studies, group projects, and guest lectures from industry professionals added significant value to the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom. These opportunities helped bridge the gap between academia and the business world, preparing us for the challenges we might face in our careers. However, there is one area where the program could improve: the inclusion of more hands-on training with current marketing software. As the business world becomes increasingly digital, proficiency in marketing tools and software is crucial. Incorporating modules on platforms like HubSpot, Google Analytics, SEMrush, and various CRM systems would ensure that graduates are well-equipped to meet the demands of modern marketing roles. This addition would make the program even more comprehensive and aligned with industry standards, ensuring that students are not only theoretically proficient but also practically prepared for the digital age. In summary, my experience with the Master of Business program at Monash University has been highly rewarding. The program offers a solid foundation in business principles and practices, supported by excellent faculty and a collaborative learning environment. Enhancing the curriculum with practical training on marketing software would further elevate the program, ensuring that graduates are fully prepared to excel in their careers.
Published May 2024
Monash University
Graduation date2023
Study mode
Student review
The course was well balanced and structured, with a good mix of theory and practical application. When I completed the course I felt that I had the skills to be successful in my new role. The teachers were helpful and responsive when I reached out to them. There were some technical issues with the online portal, but these were resolved quickly.

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Where can I find this institution?

Available campuses

  • Alfred Hospital (AMREP)
  • Caulfield
  • Clayton
  • Melbourne City
  • Parkville
  • Peninsula
Online study also available

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