Murdoch University

Murdoch University

Institution rating
Positive career impact
Recommended by students

About us

  • Murdoch University provide a wide range of higher education programs on campus in Perth
  • Gain experience in purpose-built facilities and through work-integrated learning opportunities
  • Academic and learning support available to help you succeed in your studies

Student reviews

How do students rate their experience?

Average rating of 286 course reviews

Current and industry-relevant content
Course content compared to what was expected
Balance between theory and practical work
Quality of teachers and academic support
Ability to balance study with your other commitments
Assistance to help you find a job
Quality of online study portal
Transparency of course fees

What are students saying about their experience?

286 course reviews

Published May 2024
Bachelor of ScienceMurdoch University
Graduation date2023
Study mode
Student review
Since I was at university from 2020-2022, I was experiencing the covid phase. I'm not sure if Murdoch is usually like that, but from my experience the course seemed very understaffed, some units had the unit coordinator being the sole lecturer and tutor. Because of this, support felt limited as the one tutor would be bombarded with every student's questions and emails.
Published May 2024
Master of CounsellingMurdoch University
Graduation date2021
Study mode
Student review
When I was looking to study counselling, I was told that Murdoch had the best counselling degree and I can say now having gone through the program that I totally agree. The balance between theory and practice was exactly what I needed and the staff were extremely flexible even allowing me to do my placement at my place of work which was extremely useful. Having worked in the industry for over 5 years now, I can see how the course prepared me for the work I'm doing which is essentially what any university degree should do.
Published May 2024
Murdoch University
Graduation dateN/A
Study mode
Student review
My course Accounting prepares me for a career across borders. Acknowledged as ‘the accounting is the language of business’, accounting is spoken by all organisations – big and small – including government agencies and departments, and all not-for-profit institutions around the globe.

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Where can I find this institution?

Available campuses

  • Mandurah
  • Murdoch

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