University of Wollongong

University of Wollongong

Institution rating
Positive career impact
Recommended by students

About us

  • The University of Wollongong provide higher education programs in Wollongong and regional New South Wales
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Student reviews

How do students rate their experience?

Average rating of 388 course reviews

Current and industry-relevant content
Course content compared to what was expected
Balance between theory and practical work
Quality of teachers and academic support
Ability to balance study with your other commitments
Assistance to help you find a job
Quality of online study portal
Transparency of course fees

What are students saying about their experience?

388 course reviews

Published May 2024
Bachelor of Psychological ScienceUniversity of Wollongong
Graduation dateN/A
Study mode
Student review
The degree was interesting and educational. However, for those hoping for a heavy emphasis on clinical psychology, understand clinical psych is merely a backdrop to the rest of the course content. The degree holds a heavy focus on the scientific method, statistical analysis, and psychological research rather than psychological practices such as talk therapy. This isn’t to say you won’t cover psychology through the lens of clinical diagnoses, treatment and therapeutic settings. However, it is definitely not the major focus of the degree as many might expect. Whilst most using this degree will go on to study honours, masters and aim for registration as a psychologist. Rest assured you can use your bachelor in other ways!! You simply have to look hard for positions where your education will be relevant (I.e. other public service sectors). Also keep a keen eye for post graduate positions! These will be your gateway to using your degree in entry level positions. Whilst the University does suggest you buy a whole bunch of textbooks and waste money that way, there are cheaper (or free) alternatives if you search enough. Most of the tutors and lectures are lovely, willing to help you as long as you’re willing to ask for it. Ultimately I am very happy to say I stuck through the challenges of studying full time and working, because I consider what I’ve learnt and experienced through my degree to be both valuable and useful.
Published May 2024
University of Wollongong
Graduation date2022
Study mode
Student review
The course prepares you for the workforce with industry relevant content and ability to partake in internships to gain practical experience. Subjects allow you to explore theory and concepts and able them in a practical sense.
Published May 2024
Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Secondary)University of Wollongong
Graduation dateN/A
Study mode
Student review
I do love the course but I remember going on placements and speaking to teachers about what we were learning and a lot go them said some subjects were irrelevant. One teacher that has been teaching for 10+ years said that researchers and people that create these subjects for our course really need to go into schools and see how it's really like. I also think we don't learn enough on how to discipline our students. I chose the elective on how utilise multiple ways to discipline kids and I still feel like that wasn't enough. When I completed my first 2 placements I had no idea what I was in for and I felt like I spent too much time in lessons trying to figure out ways to discipline which would have wasted important learning time. I think there should be a compulsory subject on this.

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Where can I find this institution?

Available campuses

  • Batemans Bay
  • Bega
  • Innovation Campus
  • Shoalhaven
  • South Western Sydney
  • Southern Highlands
Online study also available

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