Animal Attendant
Provide care, exercise and enrichment activities to animals.
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- What's it like to be an Animal Attendant?
- How to become an Animal Attendant
- Latest Animal Attendant jobs
- Top skills and experience for Animal Attendants
- Is Animal Attendant the right role for you?
- Animal Attendant role reviews
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Latest Animal Attendant reviews
4.0Mar 2024
As someone with a deep passion for animals and getting my hands dirty, this job feels like a dream.
Reviewer's QualificationBachelor of Science
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
SpecialisationFarming, Animals & Conservation
The good thingsIf you are passionate about the care and wellbeing of animals it is an exceptionally rewarding career, especially if youre a hands on type of person. The animals and staff are often friendly and will ...
The challengesCommunication seems to be a large challenge as well as have a voice that is recognised and heard by superiors. The job can also have a psychological toll on individuals due to the presence of sick or ...
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5.0Nov 2023
I love the actual work i am doing but sometimes the hours or stress can be a bit much.
Reviewer's QualificationCertificate II in Animal Care
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeSmall (1-19 employees)
SpecialisationFarming, Animals & Conservation
The good thingsI like the fact that it is around animals and that other people in the animal care industry are lovely.
The challengesThere are a lot of high pressure situations that you have to deal with.
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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