Prepare and serve drinks to customers in licensed bars or establishments.
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- What's it like to be a Bartender?
- How to become a Bartender
- Latest Bartender jobs
- Top skills and experience for Bartenders
- Is Bartender the right role for you?
- Bartender role reviews
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Latest Bartender reviews
3.0Oct 2024
I like serving different drinks, improving my language and making customers happy, so they have a great time.
Reviewer's QualificationNational Certificate II in Barista
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
SpecialisationHospitality & Tourism
The good thingsBeing bartender and waitress can help you to be more patience, tolerate the frustration and improve your language. I like to have conversation with the customers, learning how to prepare new cocktails...
The challengesIt’s very overwhelming, the salary in the most of the restaurants is not good enough, they can cut your hours in the last minute and the possibilities to be promoted are so low, even if you are great ...
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1.0Feb 2020
hospitality is not a career it is a part time work only. dont make the mistake of thinking you will have a good life being in hospitality
Reviewer's QualificationCertificate III in Hospitality
Experience10+ years
Organisation sizeSmall (1-19 employees)
The good thingswaiting I a terrible job as is hospitality in general. it Is not a career unless you plan to buy your own restaurant or you are in head office roles. pay is terrible and it should be worse. hospitalit...
The challengeswaiting and hospitality is in no way challenging it is the easiest possible job available. just smile be happy and work.
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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