Cable Jointer
Install and maintain underground and overhead power supply cables
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On this page
- What's it like to be a Cable Jointer?
- How to become a Cable Jointer
- Latest Cable Jointer jobs
- Top skills and experience for Cable Jointers
- Cable Jointer role reviews
What's it like to be a Cable Jointer?
Cable Jointers are responsible for making, laying, joining, repairing and terminating underground control cables and insulated power supply cables. In addition, they often organise cable terminations for electrical equipment and overhead lines.
Tasks and duties
- Installing and maintaining underground electrical cables by pulling cables through underground conduits, trenches or pipes and joining them in transmission and distribution systems.
- Conducting tests to check cable integrity and locate faults. If problems are found, undertake maintenance work and repair the cables.
- Updating and maintaining location guides for and diagrams for the layout of cable systems.
How to become a Cable Jointer
To become a Cable Jointer, you usually need to undertake an apprenticeship or traineeship. If you work as an apprentice, you’ll generally need a Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Distribution Cable Jointing (UET30812).
- 1.Enrol in and complete a cable jointing qualification or apprenticeship.
- 2.To work as a cabler in Australia, you must be registered. If you are installing any equipment that will be connected to the telecommunications network (e.g. smart home systems, monitored security alarms, closed circuit TV), you’ll need to have a current cabling registration.
- 3.Some Cable Jointers repair overhead powerlines, in which case you’ll also need to have safety access equipment.
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Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Cable Jointer employers on SEEK are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. Cable Jointing
Electricity Supply Industry
Construction Induction White Card
Distribution Cable Jointing
Power Systems
Electricity Distribution
Source: SEEK job ads and SEEK Profile data
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Latest Cable Jointer reviews
5.0Dec 2023
Terminating two cables of both new and old to make one
Reviewer's QualificationCertificate III in ESI - Distribution
Experience5 – 9 years
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
SpecialisationMining, Resources & Energy
The good thingsThe day to day excitement of not knowing what you may face under the ground and how youre going to terminate it to make it work with today's new types of apparatus
The challengesPlaying in the mud , heat and rain can at times take you back to childhood memories but without the fun side to it
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5.0May 2021
good pay, good variety
Reviewer's QualificationCertificate II in Electro-Trades
ExperienceLess than a year
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
The good thingsvariety, job security, niche trade, good asalary
The challengesmaths, being a proactive thinker, trouble shooting
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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