Change Manager
Manage the smooth implementation of large changes to an organisation.
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- What's it like to be a Change Manager?
- How to become a Change Manager
- Latest Change Manager jobs
- Top skills and experience for Change Managers
- Is Change Manager the right role for you?
- Change Manager role reviews
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Latest Change Manager reviews
5.0Dec 2023
Don’t wait - do it
Experience5 – 9 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
SpecialisationGovernment & Defence
The good thingsTitle: Embracing Change Management - A Fulfilling Journey
As a Change Manager, I have found my role to be incredibly rewarding and impactful. Guiding organisations through transformative processes ha...
The challengesWorking as a Change Manager in the dynamic landscape of organisational transformation has been both enriching and filled with challenges. Here's an insight into the hurdles faced and the lessons learn...
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4.0Nov 2018
Change management, setting yourself and others up for success!
Reviewer's QualificationBachelor of Social Science
Experience10+ years
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
SpecialisationChange Management
The good thingsAs a change manager, you really get to focus on making (work) life better for others in your organisation. For me, I love the daily interaction with stakeholders, the variety of work involved, and fee...
The challengesThere are a few challenges that you face as a change manager, in particular, how you manage stakeholders who are resistant to change. It can be frustrating when, no matter what you do, people just don...
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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