Creative Manager
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- Top skills and experience for Creative Managers
- Creative Manager role reviews
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Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Creative Manager employers on SEEK are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. Creative Direction
Graphic Design
Visual Art
Adobe Photoshop
Brand Strategy
Marketing Campaigns
Creative Development
Creative Thinking
Social Media
Source: SEEK job ads and SEEK Profile data
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Latest Creative Manager reviews
5.0Mar 2021
Creative manager are the glue that holds creative teams together
Reviewer's QualificationBachelor of Fine Art
Experience10+ years
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
The good thingsFirst and foremost is the permission and freedom to use your left brain everyday of your life. There are some many jobs where you're just a tool, a machine in the system. Doing the exact same thing ev...
The challengesAW: I think the biggest challenge across the board is falling into a “best practice” view on things
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4.0Oct 2024
Challenging, but rewarding.
Reviewer's QualificationDiploma of Leadership and Management
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
SpecialisationAdvertising, Arts & Media
The good thingsI am passionate about the creative industry, so it is a very rewarding position. Working with amazing people is a huge bonus. Leading people is challenging but rewarding.
The challengesThere is a lot of pressure and it is challenging waiting for executives to make decisions. A lot of people do not understand the demands of a creative department and the timelines that are required.
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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