Diversional Therapist
Coordinate leisure activities to improve the wellbeing of individuals and communities.
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On this page
- What's it like to be a Diversional Therapist?
- How to become a Diversional Therapist
- Latest Diversional Therapist jobs
- Top skills and experience for Diversional Therapists
- Diversional Therapist role reviews
What's it like to be a Diversional Therapist?
Diversional Therapists help to increase participation in leisure and lifestyle activities in communities, notably in healthcare and aged care settings. They create personalised activity programs by working with people to understand their individual needs and preferences. Diversional Therapists perform a variety of administrative duties and enjoy helping others to lead more fulfilling lives. They work for public, private and not-for-profit organisations in the leisure and tourism, healthcare and aged care industries.
Tasks and duties
- Planning, coordinating and implementing leisure activity programs.
- Evaluating client interests, needs and strengths and weaknesses to develop personalised leisure programs.
- Assisting with hiring, training and supervision of staff.
- Maintaining records of activity programs and community resources.
- Encouraging clients to take part in activities that match their strengths and interests.
- Providing information on available activities and programs.
How to become a Diversional Therapist
You usually need a qualification in leisure and health or health sciences to work as a Diversional Therapist. Immunisations, a First Aid certificate and background checks may be required by some employers.
- 1.Get your First Aid certificate by completing a short course with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
- 2.Complete a Police Check and Working with Children Check.
- 3.Complete a relevant qualification, such as a Certificate IV in Leisure and Health (CHC43415). This typically takes up to 18 months and may include a work placement. To gain full membership with Diversional Recreation Therapy Australia as a Diversional Therapist, you will need to complete an approved degree such as a Bachelor of Health Science (Recreational Therapy).
- 4.Get immunisations as required by employers.
Compare your salary
Find out how your salary compares with the average salary for Diversional Therapists.Latest Diversional Therapist jobs on SEEK
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Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Diversional Therapist employers on SEEK are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. Diversional Therapy
Aged Care
Evidence Based Practice
Quality Improvement
Lifestyle Services
Personal Care
Learners Licence
Health Science
Palliative Care
Applied Science
Source: SEEK job ads and SEEK Profile data
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Latest Diversional Therapist reviews
3.0Apr 2024
Mentally challenging
Reviewer's QualificationDiploma of Diversional Therapy
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
SpecialisationHealthcare & Medical
The good thingsThere were alot of good things about my role. Meeting new people, helping their every need, understanding their background and re-orientating them back into society. Dealing with patients can be a cha...
The challengesMy safety was always compromised along with all staff members who work closely with the patients. Of course there are ways to get out of situations but most times, they don't work and could result in ...
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5.0Jan 2024
To provide 'More Good Days'
Reviewer's QualificationCertificate IV in Leisure and Health
Experience5 – 9 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
SpecialisationHealthcare & Medical
The good thingsTo help make a Residents day worth waking up for. To give them 'More Good Days' of living rather than just existing. Residents have so much to offer from their life of experiences - helping them to re...
The challengesNurses or Care Staff thinking we do nothing except to fun things. Each activity has a meaning for its purpose.
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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