Game Developer
Use logic, creative thinking and technology to build video games for an array of platforms.
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On this page
- What's it like to be a Game Developer?
- How to become a Game Developer
- Latest Game Developer jobs
- Top skills and experience for Game Developers
- Game Developer role reviews
What's it like to be a Game Developer?
A Game Developer is a Software Developer who specialises in creating computer or video games. Game Developers may focus on one or more platforms (such as PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo or PC), or specialise in mobile or handheld game development. They may specialise further in a particular aspect of game development, such as programming the game’s Artificial Intelligence or virtual landscapes.
Tasks and duties
- Using computer software and hardware to write and modify programming code to create game framework and individual elements.
- Utilising creative thought to design new elements or products.
- Modifying and documenting the program code to correct errors.
- Testing specific elements or products and implementing improvements.
- Solving problems using logic and methodical testing processes.
How to become a Game Developer
It is possible to work as a Game Developer without formal qualifications, however many employers prefer individuals to have qualifications in the field of Computer Science.
- 1.The technology in use in the gaming industry evolves constantly. It is important to keep up to date with the programming languages and game engines that are currently in use in the industry and aim to specialise in one of the in-demand programming languages.
- 2.Undertake a qualification with a focus on Game Development. This could be a Certificate IV in Information Technology (Gaming Development) (ICT40120), Diploma of Information Technology (ICT50220) or Bachelor degree majoring in Software Development.
Compare your salary
Find out how your salary compares with the average salary for Game Developers.Latest Game Developer jobs on SEEK
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Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Game Developer employers on SEEK are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. Games Development
Unreal Engine
C++ Programming
C# Programming
Perforce Software
Game Design
Python Programming
Git Version Control System
Version Control
Source: SEEK job ads and SEEK Profile data
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Latest Game Developer reviews
5.0Nov 2018
Developing games is hard but most rewarding than any other kind of software you can build
Reviewer's QualificationRegular fullstack developer
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
The good thingsThe feeling of having work on a game that thousands of people can enjoy.
The challengesDeal with priority changes as the work is driven by what the game needs to get better in terms of retention an monetization
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5.0Oct 2018
Leading a Game Developer team is rewarding, but requires sacrifice.
Reviewer's QualificationBachelor of Information Technology
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
SpecialisationEducational Software
The good thingsThe responsibility of desicion making and looking after your staff. Watching them grow and providing feedback. Tackling complex issues head-on without fear.
The challengesYou'll be coding and designing a lot less. Many people pass up the chance to be Team Lead because they enjoy the developer aspect a lot more.
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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