Become an expert in metals and minerals and perform valuable research.
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- How to become a Metallurgist
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- Metallurgist role reviews
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Latest Metallurgist reviews
5.0Jun 2024
It's quite overwhelming since you get a chance to analyze different kinds of minerals at one go
Experience5 – 9 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
SpecialisationMining, Resources & Energy
The good thingsGood working conditions and working hours .Gaining of experience on different kinds of skills and experiments.Processing of almost 90% of minerals on the periodic table and can manage to have an overv...
The challengesThe environment can be very risk since you will be working with harmful chemicals .The chemicals can affect your respiratory system ,there is a lot of noise from machines such as crushers which can af...
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5.0Jun 2024
It's quite overwhelming since you get a chance to analyze different kinds of minerals at one go
Experience5 – 9 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
SpecialisationMining, Resources & Energy
The good thingsGood working conditions and working hours .Gaining of experience on different kinds of skills and experiments.Processing of almost 90% of minerals on the periodic table and can manage to have an overv...
The challengesThe environment can be very risk since you will be working with harmful chemicals .The chemicals can affect your respiratory system ,there is a lot of noise from machines such as crushers which can af...
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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