Use creative talent and technical knowledge to photograph people, landscapes, products or other subjects.
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On this page
- What's it like to be a Photographer?
- How to become a Photographer
- Latest Photographer jobs
- Top skills and experience for Photographers
- Is Photographer the right role for you?
- Photographer role reviews
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Latest Photographer reviews
5.0Oct 2018
photography is your ticket to the world and I still enjoy it today just as much as I did when I started 40 years ago.
Reviewer's QualificationMaster of Fine Arts
Experience10+ years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
Specialisationmulti-media journalist
The good thingsphotography and multi-media journalist is a wonderful life for those of a creative bent,
It Offers you a chance to be creative , to affect how others see or view a product or situation, it allows you...
The challengesSometimes it's the long hours, sometimes it's the long hours travelling to assignments, sometimes it's the waiting for something newsworthy to happen and that's when you treat it like a game, the news...
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5.0Apr 2024
It’s my passion, so it gives me incredible joy. If you’re a freelance photographer, it is deeply rewarding. If you’re working as a photographer for somebody else, the work can get somewhat repetitive.
Reviewer's QualificationBachelor of Arts
Experience10+ years
Organisation sizeI'm self-employed
SpecialisationAdvertising, Arts & Media
The good thingsI’m currently working as a self-employed, freelance photographer. While I love the work and get to meet lots of amazing people, the nature of the work is precarious. My business was doing really well,...
The challengesAlways hassling for work.
There’s something to be said for simply showing up doing the work and going home
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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