Apply plaster to internal and external surfaces using a range of techniques
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- How to become a Plasterer
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- Is Plasterer the right role for you?
- Plasterer role reviews
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Latest Plasterer reviews
4.0Aug 2019
Plastering is not for everybody but I really enjoyed it
Reviewer's QualificationCompleted Year 9
Experience10+ years
Organisation sizeI'm self-employed
The good thingsPlastering is a very physical job it will keep you strong and fit you also get to travel a lot and get to see different places
The challengesPlastering is challenging on your body puts a lot of strain on your back neck and shoulders a well as your knees
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5.0Dec 2023
Hard work but enjoyable
Reviewer's QualificationCertificate II in Trades Assistant
Experience10+ years
Organisation sizeI'm self-employed
The good thingsWorking for yourself can be extremely flexable, is if you need a day off no need to ask the boss !!! As u are the boss
The challengesGreat job satisfaction walking out of a finished house, knowing what it looked like when I started the house
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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