Real Estate Agent
Buy, sell, lease and manage properties for clients.
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- What's it like to be a Real Estate Agent?
- How to become a Real Estate Agent
- Latest Real Estate Agent jobs
- Top skills and experience for Real Estate Agents
- Is Real Estate Agent the right role for you?
- Real Estate Agent role reviews
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Latest Real Estate Agent reviews
4.0Dec 2023
Are you self motivated able to handle stress and work alone but have great people skills being a real estate agent may be for you
Experience5 – 9 years
Organisation sizeSmall (1-19 employees)
SpecialisationReal Estate & Property
The good thingsThe toughest aspect of being a real estate agent is that you are at the mercy of the economic conditions. The positive side is the interaction with clients and you have some say over your hours altho...
The challengesI like most of the work associated with being a real estate agent but it can be challenging meeting expectations of both the purchaser and vendor
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4.0Dec 2024
It is mentally challenging pushing you out of your comfort zone.
Reviewer's QualificationCertificate III in Real Estate
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
SpecialisationAdministration & Office Support
The good thingsIt is always exciting to meet new people, personalities and understanding a persons wants and needs. In terms of communication skills it definitely gives you an edge with boosting confidence in talkin...
The challengesIt is one of those jobs where it’s very likely you get burnt out. Having a lot of competition and other agents always trying to put you down it is an industry that has a harsh side but a very big up s...
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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