Use cranes, winches and pulleys to move materials and build structures.
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- What's it like to be a Rigger?
- How to become a Rigger
- Latest Rigger jobs
- Top skills and experience for Riggers
- Is Rigger the right role for you?
- Rigger role reviews
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Latest Rigger reviews
4.0Aug 2023
Rigger with more than 17years’ expertise of proven experience, performing work at heights in Mobile Telecommunications Network in the area of Operational and Maintenance, responsible for troubleshooting, site sweeps using Site master, install and upgrade wireless and Microwave equipment and set up new telecommunication services
Reviewer's QualificationDiploma of Applied Information Technology
Experience10+ years
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
SpecialisationInformation & Communication Technology
The good thingsThe Good Things
Rigging is such very good job, as long as you like working at heights. You can feel your importance in the society after providing the much required service after restoration of telec...
The challengesI don't like going up the tower without proper PPE, or climbing the tower before i do EHS.
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5.0Jun 2024
Objective Highly skilled and experienced Rigger with three and above years of dedicated experience in the sugar and ethanol industry. Expertise in lifting and installing distillery columns,storage tanks,fermentation tanks, mill rolls,economizer tubes and heavy equipment, with a strong emphasis on safety, precision, and efficiency. Proven ability to collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to ensure smooth and successful operations.
Reviewer's QualificationNational Certificate I in Rigging
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
SpecialisationMining, Resources & Energy
The good thingsRIGGING is a tough job unless you’re passionate
The good things
If you are passionate about RIGGING its an exceptionally rewarding career. The tasks are often friendly and will recognise riggers who h...
The challengesIts very risk and need caution always
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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