3 ways you can change jobs right now

3 ways you can change jobs right now
SEEK content teamupdated on 27 October, 2022

There’s never been a time quite like this for changing jobs. With The Great Job Boom at play, there are far more opportunities available. Plus, employers are more open to offering incentives and flexibility, in the hope they’ll stand out from the other companies trying to attract staff.

Kirsty Anne Ferguson, Founder and Interview Coach at Interview Chix, says the added benefit of this is that it can give you a bit more confidence when deciding whether to change jobs.

When the job market has plenty of opportunity, it can reduce the risk you feel in making a change, Ferguson explains. “It reduces the fear factor that keeps employees in jobs where they do not feel valued or challenged or where the culture is not a fit for them,” she says.

Change can be pretty tempting right now, but making it happen can still be daunting.

So here are the three main ways you can shift jobs, with tips to help you make that all-important step for yourself.

1. New role, new industry

Changing to a new role in an entirely different industry is one of the bigger career shakeups you can take on. But if you’re passionate about taking your work life in a different direction, it can also be one of the most fulfilling changes you can make.

The challenge remains, though – how do you show that you’re valuable and a good fit in a role and industry where you don’t have experience?

To achieve this, Ferguson says you could try a ‘self-stocktake’.

  • Name your values and skills.
    ⁠“Derive some ‘go-to’ language around talking about yourself by defining your professional values (what matters most to you) and transferable skills,” she says. This transferable skills checklist could help you get started.
  • Work out where you’ve done well up to now.
    “Understand your value in the jobs marketplace by using evidence of your experience and performance,” Ferguson says. Can you show how you excelled in your previous roles? How you went beyond expectations, or helped to make the business more successful?

Tackling these first two steps will help you better understand your strengths, Ferguson explains. This often works to boost your confidence and prepare you with talking points for when you hit those interviews.

Once you’ve done this initial self-evaluation, you’ll be in good a good place to look at the job market. Do some research on the employers and opportunities that are out there, Ferguson says.

“See what industries/employers fit your values, what culture you want to work in and where your transferable skills cross over into unrelated industries,” she says.

2. New role, same industry

You may love the industry you’re in, but not necessarily the role you have in it. Sticking to the same industry can be an advantage, particularly as you’ll have knowledge and experience to draw on.

This type of change usually means less of a learning curve as well. You may be able to progress in your new role quicker because of what you can bring from your previous role.

However, there are potential drawbacks to consider, as Ferguson explains.

“You may already know the hiring team and they can have preconceptions you will need to overcome and address,” she says. Industries can feel a little too familiar, Ferguson adds. “You are already aware of the limitations and challenges within the industry. It may not be the big change you were seeking.” You might also be so familiar with how the ‘system’ works in your industry that this restricts your confidence when you negotiate, Ferguson notes.

Don’t let these potential cons scare you off, though. Similar to changing to a new role and new industry, Ferguson encourages people to do a ‘self-stocktake’. This can help you evaluate whether this is the right move for you and, if it is, what transferable skills you can bring across with you.

3. Same role, new industry

Perhaps the most common type of job change is keeping the role you have but switching up industries. This can be a particularly great move for people who love what they do but are itching for a change of scenery.

As Ferguson explains: “You get to keep that level of confidence and authority around your abilities, find an organisation/industry that aligns more with your values, and experience a new culture.”

Before jumping into this type of career change, there are still questions you should ask yourself. Think about the values of your potential future workplace. In an ideal world, what kind of company and industry would you like to work for, and why?

“When considering a new industry, ask yourself: Am I proud of what they do? Can I be an advocate for the organisation/industry?” Ferguson advises.

“If it is something you are already passionate about then that is an extra bonus.”

Could a job change give you the fulfilment you need from your work life?

Changing jobs can come with its fair share of challenges – anxiety-inducing interviews, sadness in leaving colleagues behind, and the fear of the unknown. But are these potential drawbacks really worth putting off something that could add so much fulfilment to your life?

“Sticking to what you know and where you are usually does not drive purpose, progression and new challenges,” Ferguson says. “Those are the things that make you feel alive, relevant, and fulfilled.”

Whether it’s a new role, new industry, or some combination of both, if change is calling you, it could be well worth answering.

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