How to create a professional voicemail message: A step-by-step guide

How to create a professional voicemail message: A step-by-step guide
SEEK content teamupdated on 07 January, 2025

In today’s digital age, voicemail messages might seem like a relic of the past. Many people already rely on emails, instant messaging, or video calls to stay connected. 

However, voicemail remains an essential tool in the professional world. Whether you work in an office or run your own business, a well-crafted voicemail message can make a big difference in how others perceive you. It’s a small detail, but it shows professionalism, reliability, and respect for the person on the other end.

In this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about creating a voicemail greeting that leaves a positive impression. From understanding when you need one to crafting the perfect script, we’ve got you covered.

When do you need to set a voicemail message?

A versatile voicemail greeting is a must-have for most professional settings. Whether in an office or freelancing, a voicemail ensures that no call goes unanswered, even when you’re unavailable. Let’s explore some specific scenarios where a voicemail message is essential.

When you don’t feel like taking calls

Sometimes, you’re available but cannot take calls without disrupting your workflow. If you’re in a meeting or focused on completing a report, an “I’m busy” voicemail message can let callers know you’re temporarily unavailable but will get back to them soon.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Plan ahead. Consider the typical situations where you might be unavailable. Plan voicemail messages for different scenarios, such as meetings or focused work sessions. 

  • Set expectations. Use phrases like, “I’m currently unavailable but will return your call within [timeframe].” This assures callers you’ve acknowledged their concerns. For example: “I’ll get back to you within the next 24 hours.”

  • Use your phone settings effectively. Most smartphones allow you to pre-record voicemail messages and switch them easily. Have an “I’m busy” voicemail greeting ready to activate during meetings or high-priority work. 

When you expect calls after office hours

Despite clear operating hours, some clients or customers might still call after hours. This is particularly true for businesses working with partners or customers from different time zones. A professional after-hours voicemail ensures these calls are acknowledged and reassures callers that you will address their concerns promptly.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Craft a specific after-hours message. Mention your regular business hours and provide an alternative way to reach you, such as an email address. 

For example: Hello, you’ve reached [Your Name]. Our office hours are from 9 AM to 5 PM. Please leave your message, and we’ll respond during our next working day. You can also email us at support@[company].com for faster responses. Thank you.

  • Be empathetic. Let callers know you understand their needs and appreciate their call.

  • Automate your voicemail. Use your phone settings to automatically switch to an after-hours voicemail greeting to save time.

When you’ll be out of the office for an extended period

Planning a holiday or recovering from a medical procedure? An “out of office” voicemail can inform callers of your absence and guide them to an alternative contact, ensuring business continuity while you’re away.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Include a return date. Let callers know when you’ll be back and available to respond. For example: I will be away from [start date] to [end date].

  • Provide alternative contacts. If possible, share the name and contact number of a colleague who can assist callers during your absence. For example: For immediate assistance, please reach out to my colleague [Alternate Contact Name] at [Alternate Contact Information].

  • Update promptly. Record your out-of-office voicemail greeting before leaving and update it as soon as you return. Before leaving, double-check that your greeting is active and test it to ensure it’s clear.

Voicemail 101: Learn the basics

Every professional voicemail should follow a simple structure to ensure clarity and effectiveness. Here’s a breakdown of the essential elements:

1. Greeting

Your greeting sets the tone for the entire voicemail message. It’s the first thing your callers will hear, so make a positive first impression

  • Do: Start with a friendly and professional opening. For example: “Hello, you’ve reached [Your Name].”

  • Don’t: Use slang or overly casual language like: “Hey, what’s up?”

How you can accomplish this:

  • Smile while speaking. Even though the caller can’t see you, it impacts your tone and makes you sound more approachable.

  • Say your greeting out loud several times to sound natural and confident.

  • Record and listen to your greeting to ensure it sounds professional and warm.

2. Introduction

When recording a voicemail greeting, it’s important to clearly state your name so the caller knows they’ve reached the right person. 

  • Do: Introduce yourself immediately after the greeting. For example: Hi! You’ve reached [Your Name], [Your Position] at [Company Name]. I can’t come to the phone right now, but…

  • Don’t: Skip introducing yourself.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Write down your name and position beforehand to avoid fumbling while recording.

  • If your name is uncommon, pronounce it slowly and clearly to help the caller understand.

3. Reason for absence

Leaving a reason for your absence shows professionalism and courtesy to the caller. It manages expectations and lets the caller know why you’re unavailable and when they can expect a call back.

  • Do: Briefly explain why you can’t take the call right now. For example: I’m currently in a meeting.

  • Don’t: Over-explain or share your personal details.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Use simple phrases like, “I’m currently unavailable,” or “I’m assisting another client right now”, and avoid saying too much.

  • Keep it brief and professional to avoid oversharing; callers don’t need to know overly personal reasons for your absence.

4. Invitation to leave a message

Remember to ask callers to share key details so you can return their calls and address their concerns. This includes their name, contact number, and a brief reason for calling.

  • Do: Encourage callers to share their details. For example: Please leave your name, number, and a brief message.

  • Don’t: Forget to ask for key details.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Prompt callers clearly and specify the kind of information you need. For example: Please mention the reason for your call so I can assist you effectively.

  • Reinforce a positive tone to encourage callers to leave their complete details.

5. Call-back information

Reassure callers that you’ll return their calls to maintain trust and demonstrate respect for their time and inquiry. It shows that you value their communication and will follow up appropriately.

  • Do: Reassure callers that you’ll call them back. For example: I’ll return your call as soon as possible.

  • Don’t: Make unrealistic promises about your call-back times.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Regarding your call-back time, be as realistic and specific as possible. For example: I’ll get back to you within one business day.

  • If you expect delays in your call-back time, add​​ a backup plan or offer alternative solutions. For example: For urgent concerns, you can email me at [Your Email Address] or If you need immediate assistance, please contact my colleague [Alternate Contact Name] at [Alternate Contact Information]

6. Closing

End on a professional note to leave a good final impression with your callers, maintaining a courteous and respectful tone throughout your voicemail message. It reinforces your professionalism and shows respect for your callers.

  • Do: End on a professional note. For example: Thank you, and have a great day!

  • Don’t: Use abrupt endings like, “Bye!”

How you can accomplish this:

  • Keep it friendly but formal. Test different closings to find one that feels authentic to you.

  • End with gratitude and positivity. For example: Thank you for calling. I look forward to speaking with you.

  • Avoid rushing through the closing. Speak naturally, as though you’re addressing a valued client.

Sample voicemail message script

Here’s a sample voicemail greeting that incorporates these elements:

Hello! You’ve reached Sarah Smith, Marketing Manager at ABC Marketing Services. 

I’m currently unavailable, but please leave your name, number, reason for calling, and the best time for me to call you back. I check my messages regularly and will return your call as soon as possible.

If you need immediate assistance, please contact my colleague John Andrews at +61-4-1234-5678. Thank you for your call, and have a great day!

Tips and tricks for creating impactful voicemail messages

Creating an impactful voicemail message doesn’t have to be daunting. Follow these tips to make your voicemail greetings more compelling. 

1. Prepare a script

Drafting a script beforehand helps you stay organised and ensures you don’t forget any important details. Additionally, practicing your script aloud will help you sound natural and confident when recording your voicemail message.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Outline the main points you must cover in your voicemail message, such as your greeting, name, reason for absence, and request for call-back details.

  • Rehearse your script multiple times to sound confident and conversational.

  • Test different versions of your script to find one that feels genuine and aligns with your professional tone.

2. Keep it short

Aim for a voicemail message that’s between 20 to 30 seconds long. This length is ideal as it is concise and will keep the caller’s attention. A shorter message is more likely to be listened to in its entirety, while a longer message may cause the caller to lose interest.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Time yourself while recording. If your voicemail message needs to be shorter, simplify it and adjust it to fit within the 20- to 30-second time frame.

  • Use clear and simple sentences to convey information efficiently.

  • Focus on the essentials and leave out unnecessary details.

3. Practice

Practising your voicemail message beforehand can significantly enhance your delivery and boost your confidence. Recording multiple drafts allows you to select the most impactful version and make your final voicemail recording professional and polished.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Listen to your recordings critically to refine your tone and pace.

  • Ask a colleague or friend for feedback on clarity and professionalism.

4. Avoid background noise

Find a quiet and undisturbed area to record your voicemail greeting. Background noise can be distracting and make it difficult for callers to understand your message. Choose a location where you won’t be interrupted and where ambient sounds are minimal.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Choose a quiet room with minimal background noise. If available, use a small, carpeted room to reduce echoes.

  • Use a high-quality microphone or your phone’s built-in noise-reduction features. For better sound quality, consider using headphones with a microphone.

5. Speak clearly

Speaking at a moderate pace projects confidence and ensures your voicemail greeting is clear and easily understood by your callers. Refrain from rushing or speaking too slowly, as this can make it difficult for callers to follow your message.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Enunciate your words clearly. Avoid rushing or mumbling.

  • Speak slightly slower than usual to ensure clarity.

  • Pause slightly between key points for emphasis. 

6. Smile while speaking

Even without video, smiling can make your tone warmer and more positive. Your voice naturally conveys your emotions, and a smile can add a friendly and approachable quality to your voicemail greeting. This can build rapport with your callers and make them more receptive to your message.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Practice smiling while speaking to hear the difference in tone.

  • Record two versions of your voicemail greeting: one with a smile, and one without a smile. Compare the difference in tone.

  • Imagine speaking to a friendly client or a trusted colleague while recording to infuse warmth naturally.

7. Keep it professional

Avoid using filler words or slang. These can make your message sound unprofessional and unclear. Instead, maintain a courteous and respectful tone throughout your message, ensuring it is clear, concise, and easy to understand.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Review your script to eliminate casual or informal phrases. Avoid casual expressions like “you guys” or “hey”. 

  • Rehearse your message until it flows naturally without unnecessary phrases.

  • Record several versions and select the one that sounds most professional.

8. Update your message

Ensure your voicemail greeting is updated regularly. It should reflect your current availability and any changes in your schedule. This will help callers know when to expect a response and prevent them from leaving messages when you’re unavailable.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Set reminders to update your voicemail when your schedule changes.

  • Use a calendar or app to track when your voicemail needs an update.

  • Test your voicemail periodically to ensure accuracy.

Voicemail message do’s and don’ts



✅ Keep it short and to the point.

❌ Use slang or filler words.

✅ Record in a quiet environment.

❌ Leave outdated information.

✅ Speak clearly and confidently.

❌ Overload the caller with unnecessary details.

Some examples of voicemail messages

Sample voicemail greetings for different scenarios

When you’re out of the office

Hi! This is Brandon Jones, Sales Specialist at DEF Sales. I’m currently out of the office and will return tomorrow. If you need immediate assistance, please contact my colleague Carolyn Smith at +61-4-1234-5678. They can help you with any urgent matters that arise during my absence. Thank you for your understanding, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible upon my return.

When you’re in a meeting

Hello! You’ve reached Cathy Woods, Procurement Manager at GHI Depot. I’m currently unavailable to take your call as I’m in a meeting. Please leave your name, contact number, reason for calling, and the best time for me to call you back. I’ll return your call as soon as I’m available. If this is urgent, please contact my colleague Dominic Brown at +61-4-1234 5678 for immediate assistance. Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

When you’re unavailable for an extended period

Hi! This is Edward Jones, Operations Manager at JKL Motors. I’m on medical leave and won’t return until March 26, 2025. If you need immediate assistance, please contact my colleague Felicity Smith at +61-4-1234-5678 or [email protected]. Thank you for your message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible upon my return.

Sample voicemail greetings for different industries


Hello! You’ve reached Gary Wilson, Sales Manager at MNO International. I’m away at a sales conference at the moment. Please leave your name, phone number, reason for calling, and the best time to call you back. I’ll return your call as soon as possible. 

If you’re calling to inquire about a specific product, please include the product type, name, or model number so we can assist you accordingly. Thank you for your interest in MNO International, and have a wonderful day.


Hello! You’ve reached PQR Medical Center. Our business hours are 7 AM to 7 PM. 

If this is an urgent medical matter, please hang up and dial 000, or proceed to the nearest emergency room.

If you’re calling during our business hours, please leave a message after the tone. State your name, phone number, and inquiry. We’ll return your call as soon as possible.

If you’re an existing patient with a non-urgent medical issue outside our business hours, please call our after-hours hotline at +61-4-1234-5678.

Thank you for calling PQR Medical Center, and we look forward to assisting you.

Customer service

Hello! You’ve reached the customer service hotline at STU Telecom. All our support agents are busy right now, but we’re eager to assist you as soon as possible. Please leave a message with your name, contact information, and inquiry or issue. 

Please provide your reference number or account details as well. This will help us prioritise your call and address your needs more efficiently.

For urgent concerns, you can also contact us through our live chat support on our website or by email at [email protected]

Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to assisting you.

Common mistakes to avoid in voicemail messages

1. Overly long messages

To keep the caller’s attention, your voicemail greeting should be short. Aim to deliver the necessary information clearly and succinctly, avoiding unnecessary details or tangents that may lose the caller’s interest.

2. Informality

While it’s important to build rapport with callers, avoid excessive informality in your voicemail greeting. Refrain from using slang, overly casual language, or jokes. Make sure your message maintains a professional and courteous tone, conveying respect for the caller and your organisation.

3. Outdated information

Keep your voicemail greeting up-to-date. It must reflect your current availability, whether you’re in the office, out of town, or unavailable for an extended period. This prevents callers from getting confused and frustrated, ensuring they have the most accurate information about reaching you.

Voicemail etiquette to remember

1. Responding to voicemail messages promptly

Return calls promptly to demonstrate professionalism. Aim to respond within one business day or sooner for urgent matters.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Prioritise calls based on urgency and content of the message.

  • Keep a notepad handy to jot down key details from voicemail messages before calling back.

2. Managing voicemails

Organise your voicemail inbox to avoid missing important messages. Prioritise callbacks based on urgency.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Use voicemail-to-text tools to review messages quickly.

  • Set aside time each day to go through voicemails systematically.

3. Handling challenging voicemail scenarios

Once in a while, you might encounter challenging voicemail scenarios. If you receive a call from an unhappy customer, for example, you must remain calm and empathetic. Prepare a clear and constructive response before calling back.

How you can accomplish this:

  • Listen to the voicemail fully before reacting.

  • Draft a response that acknowledges their concerns and offers a solution.

  • Practice your tone to ensure it’s empathetic and professional.

The future of voicemail messages

Voicemail might seem like an old-school technology, but it’s evolved with new tools and features in recent years. Whether you work in healthcare or finance or manage professional communication, understanding the latest voicemail trends is key to staying effective and professional.

As technology evolves, voicemail is becoming more integrated with other tools. Features like voicemail-to-text and email integrations make managing messages more efficient. AI advancements in voicemail transcription also revolutionise how we handle voice messages, offering quick and accurate text versions for better accessibility.

How you can adapt to these changes:

  • Explore tools like voicemail-to-text and email integrations to streamline communication.

  • Stay updated on AI-driven voicemail management solutions to improve efficiency.

Every detail matters

Voicemail greetings might seem minor, but they’re vital to professional communication. Following the tips and examples in this guide, you can create voicemail greetings that leave a lasting positive impression. Keep your messages updated, concise, and professional, and you’ll enhance your professional image and communication skills. 


1. What is voicemail-to-text, and how does it work?

Voicemail-to-text, or voicemail transcription, converts voicemail messages into written text delivered to your email or phone as a message. It uses speech recognition software to transcribe voicemails and send the text to your preferred destination, often with the option to listen to the original audio. This feature is perfect for discreetly checking messages during meetings and makes it easier to store or share important details.

2. Should I leave a voicemail message if I can send an email instead?

Deciding between voicemail and email depends on the urgency of your message and its purpose. Leave a voicemail for urgent matters, when tone or emotion is essential, or if the recipient may not check email promptly. Opt for email for non-urgent messages, detailed information, or when you need to include attachments or maintain a communication record.

3. Are there any other new voicemail technologies I should know?

Voicemail technology is evolving with features like visual voicemail, which lets you view and play messages in any order, and AI-powered insights that summarise voicemails to save time. Smart reply options enable quick responses via text or email, while cloud integration ensures seamless message management across devices.

4. Are there any specific considerations for voicemail messages in the healthcare industry?

Healthcare professionals must be cautious when handling voicemail to ensure patient confidentiality. To protect sensitive information, keep messages concise and straightforward, avoid medical jargon, and share only necessary details. Always verify the recipient’s identity before leaving a message and comply with regulations like the Privacy Act. 

5. What kind of language should I use in a voicemail message for a financial services company?

Voicemail in the financial sector should be professional yet approachable. Start with a polite greeting, introduce yourself and your company, and use clear, simple language. Avoid sharing sensitive details and include a clear call to action, like directing the recipient to return your call to discuss their inquiry.

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