How to love what you do

How to love what you do
SEEK content teamupdated on 11 December, 2019

Do you jump out of bed in the morning, ready for the day ahead? Or would you rather be doing something else? Steve Jobs poignantly once said, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Whether you stay in your current job, change to another one, or embark on a new career, there are many ways to make each day enjoyable. In the spirit of love (because some of us may be giving or receiving a heartfelt card or box of choccies today), we’ve got some tips on how to love what you do.

  • Motivate yourself to face the day. Make your trip to work matter by reflecting on the way your work allows you to have, and appreciate a life outside of it. Think about the enjoyment you get spending time with family and friends, and taking part in your hobbies. Weekends wouldn’t be so sweet if you didn’t have your working week!
  • Put your work in perspective. It’s easy to get carried away with your Very Important Business, and forget about life beyond it. In reality, you can only do the best you can in each situation. When you’re feeling stressed, look beyond yourself and your work and consider the bigger picture. Offering some of your time voluntarily will help put things into perspective and help you stop sweating the small stuff.
  • Create an enjoyable work environment. Making the effort to create an enjoyable and harmonious work environment will be rewarding for you, and your colleagues will reap the benefits too. Avoid gossip and negative chatter. Relax and laugh more. There are still ways to perform professionally, while approaching each day with a fun-loving attitude.
  • Make your breaks count. When you break away from your work, leave your technology behind, even if it’s just for a five minute walk. Make sure you take your lunch break away from your desk and spend some time eating a healthy meal in fresh air and sunshine. Look for ways to energise yourself such as stretching your body, snacking on fresh fruit and keeping well hydrated with water. 
  • Plan your time well. Feeling like you have a purpose and are working towards a goal starts with being well prepared. Make lists each day that include long-term projects, as well as tasks that need your immediate attention. Then, prioritise by tackling the most important tasks first and crossing them off the list when they’re done. This way, you’ll feel a real sense of achievement.
  • Switch off once you leave work. When the working day is over and you leave your desk, you owe it to yourself to mentally say goodbye to your workplace and welcome a leisurely evening. Whether you’re going to the gym, playing sports, cooking dinner or watching TV, make sure you’re present so you can fully enjoy what you’re doing.

More from this category: Workplace wellbeing

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