How to sell yourself in 25 words or less

How to sell yourself in 25 words or less
SEEK content teamupdated on 07 February, 2024

Ever had to prepare an “elevator pitch” where selling an idea needed to be engaging enough to hit the mark within 30 seconds?

The online world has fast become the “elevator” of today, where we have just a few lines of text on a computer screen to make a striking impact on potential employers. With more pressure on people’s time than ever before, recruiters and employers can benefit from knowing your unique experiences, ambitions, and strengths in 25 words or less. Creating a SEEK Profile allows potential employers to search for candidates and get a snapshot of their experience via the Personal Summary feature.

With more pressure on people’s time than ever before, recruiters and employers can benefit from knowing your unique experiences, ambitions and strengths in 25 words or less.

To make your Personal Summary the lasting first impression it should be, check out these tips to help you stand out from other candidates.

  1. Highlight your stand-out features. Condensing your work history into 25 words or less can be challenging - it is a mere, short, single sentence or two, so make sure you have the right information in there to catch your readers’ attention. The goal is to include your most distinctive features so that the reader is left with more knowledge and more intrigue about you.

    A good example of this:
    I’m a self-motivated, creative copywriter with five years of marketing and advertising experience, specialising in digital content with a keen interest in social media.

    A bad example of this:
    I’m an experienced copywriter with five years of writing experience in the online marketing and advertising sectors, having specialised in digital media for one year.  
  2. Ensure correct spelling and grammar. Trying to fit as much information about yourself into a punchy sentence or two can mean a lot of word juggling which may lead to grammatical errors. Make sure that your 25-word summary reads well and is easy to comprehend. Consider your tenses and make sure they’re consistent. Once you have done your own spelling and grammar check, you may even want to run some options by a few friends to find out which one reads more clearly!

    A good example of this:
    ⁠I’m an in-house corporate lawyer with over eight years’ experience, specialising in mergers and acquisitions with a focus on South-East Asia.

    A bad example of this:
    Gloria is an in-house corporate lawyer with over eight years experience. I have specialised in mergers and acquisitions in South-East Asia.
  3. Keep it directional with the most relevant points. While you may have years of experience in various roles, it’s important to only communicate what will help you achieve the role you are presently seeking. There is no point including in your personal summary that you spent six years working in hospitality when you are seeking a new career in the construction management industry. Think of key attributes needed for the role you’re seeking and tailor your personal summary to respond to those needs.

    A good example of this:
    I’m a highly organised project management intern at a leading Australian construction company. I have a bachelor’s degree in construction management and strong analytical skills.

    A bad example of this:
    I’m a part-time waiter and organised project management intern with a bachelor’s degree in construction management. I have a keen interest in sport and surfing.

A final quick tip: practice makes perfect so try writing several personal statements until you hit the spot.

More from this category: Resumes

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