How to answer “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

How to answer “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
SEEK content teamupdated on 01 December, 2023

You're sitting across from your interviewer, feeling prepared and confident (and maybe a little nervous). Then they throw you a curly question: “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” 

This question pops up in many job interviews – and for good reason. It can be a way for the employer to scope out how your professional goals align with the company and your long-term plans for the role. The right answer should show why you’re the right fit for their organisation. 

In this article, we'll guide you through this important question, offer strategic tips on putting together a stand-out response, and highlight common pitfalls to avoid. Next time you face this question in an interview, you'll be able to answer it truthfully and with confidence.

Why interviewers ask this question

There’s a reason interviewers love this question. It goes beyond curiosity; it’s a strategic tool used to understand your potential fit within the company. They are determining whether you're likely to be a valuable long-term asset to the team.

The interviewer wants to know your professional and personal goals, and how these align with the company's objectives. It's not just about the specific position you have applied for (and are hoping to land), but also about your approach to professional development and how you see yourself contributing to the company's success down the track.

Many candidates believe this interview question requires a specific five-year plan, complete with job titles and roadmap. This isn’t the case; interviewers just are looking for an overview. It’s also not a trick question designed to catch out those with overly ambitious or unaligned goals. The truth is, interviewers want honesty and thoughtfulness in your response.

Reflection: An important first step

Before you can enter an interview room and answer this question truthfully, it’s important to carry out a little self-reflection. Assess your values, interests, skills and experiences for a clear picture of where you currently stand. You can use this as a base to set realistic and meaningful career goals. It can be carried out in two steps:

  1. Analyse your professional growth so far. What have been your significant achievements? What challenges have you faced and how have you overcome them? Understanding your past experiences gives you valuable insight into your strengths and areas for development. 
  2. Envision your ideal career trajectory. This involves considering the type of roles, responsibilities and work environments that excite and motivate you. What skills do you want to develop? What kind of impact do you wish to have in your field? Answering these questions helps you form a vision of your future.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years best answer

Knowing how to answer “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” requires not only self-reflection, but an ability to balance realism and ambition. Be realistic about what you can achieve, while sharing your ambitions and how they align with the company's vision. Following are some quick tips to help you structure your response.

Balancing realism and ambition

Your response should include achievable goals that align with career progression, while showing you're driven to grow and take on more challenges. For example, if you're interviewing for an entry-level position, your five-year goal might involve reaching a mid-level management role, demonstrating both a realistic understanding of career progression and a hint of ambition.

Expressing your passion and commitment

Your enthusiasm for the role and industry should come across in your answer. Tell your interviewer what excites you about your field and how you hope to learn and grow in the position. For example, you might talk about your passion for baking or investing or helping people. This shows interviewers that you're not just looking for any job, but you’re genuinely interested in this specific role and field.

Aligning with the company's vision and mission

An important part of your response involves aligning your career goals with the company's vision. For instance, if the company is known for its innovation, you might discuss your desire to be part of groundbreaking projects.

How to structure your response

When it comes to answering the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, a well-structured answer conveys your thoughts clearly while also demonstrating your ability to think logically and communicate effectively. Here’s how to structure your answer:

  • Start with a career progression framework. This should give a broad overview of the steps you plan to take towards your five-year goal. It shows that you have a realistic and thoughtful approach to your career development.
  • Highlight skills you plan to develop. This could include technical skills relevant to your field, leadership abilities or soft skills like communication and collaboration. Explain how developing these skills will help your career growth and meet the needs and challenges of the industry.
  • Demonstrate your value to the company. Discuss how your goals and the skills you plan to acquire will enable you to contribute to the company’s objectives.

Tailoring your answer to different job types and industries

Different roles and sectors have unique career paths, expectations and values. Here's how you can tailor your answer to align with various job types and industries.

Creative industries

In creative fields like advertising, design or the arts, emphasise your desire to stay on the cutting-edge of trends and innovation. You might talk about your aspirations to lead creative projects or to become an expert in a specific area of your field. 


For roles in tech, focus on your commitment to continual learning and staying ahead of technological advancements. You could mention specific technologies or certifications you aim to master, such as programming languages.


Whether you're a clinician or in healthcare management, talk about your commitment to patient care or healthcare innovation. Highlight any aspirations for specialisation or leadership roles. 

Finance and business

In the finance or business sector, focus on your ambitions for taking on more significant financial responsibilities, leadership roles or expertise in specific areas like mergers and acquisitions or financial analysis. 

What not to say 

When answering this popular interview question, it's just as important to know what not to say as it is to know what to include. Certain responses can raise red flags for interviewers, indicating that you might not be the right fit. 

  • Overcommitting to specific career outcomes. Don’t lock yourself into very specific career outcomes. While it's good to have goals, being overly specific can suggest inflexibility or a lack of understanding of how careers can evolve. Example answer to avoid: “I see myself as the Director of Marketing in exactly five years. I plan to climb the ranks quickly and lead the largest campaigns.” Also avoid saying you see yourself in the interviewer’s role.
  • Being vague or unrealistic. Avoid giving answers that are too vague or overly ambitious, as they can make it seem like you haven’t thought seriously about your future, or that you have unrealistic expectations. Example answer to avoid: “In five years, I just hope to be doing something I love, maybe travelling or working on something totally new.”
  • Disregarding the company’s future plans. A common mistake is to focus just on your personal goals without considering how they align with the company’s plans. Example answer to avoid: “I’m planning to use the skills I gain here to start my own business in a few years.”

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years” answer examples

To help you prepare, let’s explore some “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” best answer examples for various scenarios. Here we highlight examples of what to avoid and deconstruct successful responses to understand why they work.

Effective responses for various scenarios and why they work

Scenario 1: Entry-level position

I am excited to start my career in [industry/field], and in the next five years can see myself growing within a company like this one. I plan to take on challenging projects to develop my skills, particularly in [specific skill areas]. I hope to progress to a role where I can manage a team and contribute more significantly to the company's goals, particularly in [specific company objectives].

This demonstrates ambition but within a realistic framework, aligning personal development with the company's needs.

Scenario 2: Mid-career transition

Over the next five years, I see myself leveraging my experience in [previous industry/role] to make a meaningful impact in [new industry/role]. I aim to develop a deep understanding of this sector and grow into a leadership role where I can contribute to strategic decisions. I'm particularly excited about [specific aspect of company’s work] and how I can apply my skills there.

This illustrates how past experience can be leveraged in a new role, showing adaptability and long-term value to the company.

Scenario 3: Senior-level position

In the next five years, I anticipate further developing my leadership and strategic skills. I see myself playing a key role in driving the company forward, particularly in areas like [specific company goals]. I'm also keen on mentoring younger professionals in the team, passing on my knowledge and experience.

This focuses on leadership and mentoring, aligning with senior roles' responsibilities and indicating a commitment to the company’s future.

Examples of responses to avoid

It’s important to know what to say – and just as useful to know what not to say! Here are some points to avoid in your answer:

Example 1: Too ambitious

“In five years, I would like to be in a senior management position, regardless of the typical progression path in the company. I’m intent on rising through the ranks as quickly as possible.”

Example 2: Too vague

“I’m not sure, I don’t really have a plan. I just hope to be happy and doing something interesting.”

Example 3: Misaligned with the company

“In five years, I hope to have accrued enough experience and developed enough skills to start my own business. If not, I will spend a few years travelling the world.” 

Practice makes perfect

Try rehearsing your answer out loud a few times, refining with each attempt. Role-play is also very useful in helping you answer this question confidently. Role-playing with a friend, mentor or career coach allows you to test how your response sounds out loud and how it’s perceived by others. 

After role-playing, ask for honest feedback from the person you're practising with. Encourage them to critique not just the content of your answer but also your body language and tone. Regularly refine your response, and be sure to tailor it to the specific job you’re going for. 

While it might sound daunting, understanding how to answer the question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” will help you answer it confidently and leave a lasting impression. It aims to gauge your ambition, career planning and alignment with a company’s goals. A well-crafted answer demonstrates your understanding of the industry, your role within it, and your commitment to personal and professional growth. 


What if I don't have a clear plan for the next 5 years?

It's okay not to have a detailed five-year plan. Instead, focus your answer on broader career goals and how the role you're interviewing for aligns with these.

Is it okay to say I see myself in a higher position within the company?

Of course. It's perfectly fine to express your ambition to advance within the company. Just make sure that your aspirations are realistic and reflect an understanding of typical career progression in the company and industry. 

What if my 5-year plan does not align with the job I am interviewing for?

If your long-term career goals don’t align perfectly with the job, focus on the parts of the role that do fit into your career aspirations. Discuss how the skills and experiences you'll gain in the role can be a valuable part of your professional development.

How honest should I be when answering this question?

While you should be truthful about your career aspirations, it’s also important to tailor your answer to the job and company you’re interviewing for. Avoid mentioning goals that are unrelated to the industry or role.

Can I avoid answering the question altogether?

You can avoid answering the question, but this can come off as evasive or unprepared. Instead, use the question as an opportunity to demonstrate your interest in the role and the company. If you’re unsure about specific long-term goals, focus on your desire to learn, grow and contribute to the company.

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