How to welcome a new team member (with examples)

How to welcome a new team member (with examples)
SEEK content teamupdated on 29 February, 2024

There’s nothing quite like receiving a warm welcome message to help overcome those first-day nerves when you start a new job. If you’re a manager or team leader, writing a well-crafted welcome message is a great way to create a positive first impression. 

Not only does it help to make new employees feel included, it’s also a great way to build a positive workplace environment and increase engagement over the long run. If you’ve been tasked with penning a new employee welcome message, take a look at our tips on how to write a memorable first greeting.

The importance of welcoming a new employee

Creating a positive, welcoming experience for your new team member provides benefits for not just the new staff, but also the team and the business as a whole. It’s an essential part of the onboarding process – your new team member’s first experience of the company culture. Before we dive into the details of how to welcome a new team member, let’s first look at the benefits of perfecting your welcome message.

For your new staff

A welcoming team environment can lead to improved job satisfaction and boosted productivity. By providing a heartfelt welcome, you can also:

  • cultivate a sense of belonging,
  • reduce anxiety and stress for newcomers, and
  • boost confidence and self-belief from the employee’s first day.

So, while putting together a short welcome message might not seem that critical to you, it can have a lasting impression on your team member and their experience within your organisation, which can positively impact their performance, satisfaction and long-term commitment. 

For the business

A warm welcome is important to new employees, which has a knock-on effect for the whole organisation. Making new employees feel welcome can provide a number of important advantages, like:

  • fostering productivity from day one,
  • enhancing job satisfaction, which can lead to increased employee retention, and
  • promoting corporate culture and values.

For team dynamics

Lastly, creating an amazing first experience benefits the team as a whole by:

  • accelerating team integration and effective collaboration,
  • fostering open communication and trust, and
  • promoting a culture of empathy and mutual respect.

Preparing for the arrival of new staff

Providing an amazing first-day experience goes beyond writing a warm welcome email to new staff. In fact, there are a number of steps you can take to prepare for your new team member’s arrival, so they feel at home from their first day.

  1. Start by making sure their work area is set up. Your new team member should have access to all necessary equipment and resources, so they can get comfortable in their space straight away. You might also want to put together a welcome pack with a few branded items, like a mug, pen or notebook, to help them feel like a valued part of the team.
  2. Assigning a mentor or buddy. During the first few weeks at a new job, there’s often a lot to learn, which can be overwhelming. A buddy can help a new staff member get up to speed faster than if they were left to their own devices. They should be able to go to their buddy for questions, guidance and general support during the onboarding process.
  3. Schedule an orientation session. A tour around the workplace is a great way to help new team members orientate themselves in their new space. Show them key areas like restrooms, break rooms and any other relevant spaces. This helps them feel more comfortable navigating their new environment. You might also consider scheduling a welcome meeting or a group lunch with the rest of the team, so your new employee can get to know everyone.

Crafting a ‘Welcome on board’ message

One of the best ways to wish a warm welcome to a new employee is by writing a sincere greeting message, whether in a card or in a group email. While it helps to work with a message template, it’s also worth personalising the message for your new team member. Express your gratitude to them for joining the company and show enthusiasm for their arrival. 

Sending a well-written welcome message not only puts into practice people-centric values, it also helps to create a positive and inclusive environment where the new joiner feels comfortable asking for help when they need it.  

20 examples of ‘Welcome to the team’ messages 

Here are some examples of welcome messages and templates that you can use to craft your own note:

  1. Welcome to our team, [new employee’s name]! We’re thrilled to have you on board. If you have any questions, please reach out to the team at any time.
  2. Welcome to the team! We’re all looking forward to working with you. Don't hesitate to ask any questions – we're here to support you every step of the way.
  3. Congratulations on your new position and welcome to the team. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need any help. Cheers to your new journey with us!
  4. Welcome aboard! We're so excited to welcome you to the team. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you settle in.
  5. Hello, [Name]! Welcome to the [Team/Department]. We're a friendly bunch and we can't wait to get to know you better. We want to make your first few weeks on the job as smooth as possible, so please know if there’s anything you need.
  6. We're delighted to welcome you to the team! We’re looking forward to working with you and tapping into your unique talents and perspectives. Please reach out if you have any questions.
  7. Welcome, [Name]! As you settle in, know that the entire team is here to support you. We’re looking forward to doing great work with you.
  8. Hey [Name], welcome to the team! Get ready for an exciting journey filled with challenges, growth and lots of shared successes. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to reach out.
  9. Warmest of welcomes, [Name]! With your knowledge and experience, we know you’re going to make an amazing addition to our team. I can’t wait to see what you bring to this role.
  10. On behalf of the team: welcome! We’re looking forward to getting to know you and working alongside you. We understand how overwhelming starting a new job can be, so if there’s anything we can do to help, please reach out.
  11. We’re so excited to have you join us! With your skills and experience, we know you’ll be a great addition to the team and we can’t wait to see what we can achieve together.
  12. Happy first day! We hope you enjoy working with us and settle in quickly. If there’s anything you need help with, please let us know.
  13. Thank you for joining the team! We know you'll do great things in your new role and we're excited to support you every step of the way. Looking forward to working with you!
  14. Hey [name], we’re excited to welcome you to our team. We know you’ll make an invaluable contribution to the team. Please reach out if there’s anything you need.
  15. It’s great to have you on board. You’re joining our growing team at an incredibly exciting time and we can’t wait to see where the future leads us. Cheers to our future success!
  16. We couldn’t be more delighted to have you join us. We’re excited to have you on board and can’t wait to get to know you better. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  17. The whole team here at [name of the company] is thrilled to welcome you on board. We look forward to sharing lots of laughs and wins with you.
  18. Congratulations on joining the team! We’re looking forward to working together and seeing what we can achieve.
  19. Wishing you a warm welcome and a big congratulations on your new role. If there’s anything you need, just let us know.
  20. Happy first day! We’re looking forward to getting to know you and learning from your skills and experiences. Here’s to a successful journey together!

Delivering the message

Now you know how to write a new staff welcome email, but when is the best time to send a welcome message? And what is the right medium? These days, you have so many different communication channels available to you at the workplace. If you’re in an office environment, you can write a card, send an email or write a group message via Slack or Teams. If you work together onsite, you could gather the team to extend an in-person welcome. 

When it comes to choosing the best time to welcome your new team member, you’ve got a few options available. Some people like to touch base with their new employees a week or so before they officially begin. This is a great opportunity to provide an overview of important details, like their start date and any documentation or equipment they need to bring on their first day. You could also send them a welcome note on their first day to congratulate them and wish them luck. 

A prompt welcome is important to an effective onboarding process. You should send a welcome email in advance of the new employee’s arrival or welcome them on their first day on the job – or both. In your welcome message, encourage them to get in touch with any questions while they’re settling in. 

Follow-up actions

Writing a welcome message for new staff is an important part of the onboarding process, but it shouldn’t end there. More often than not, there’s lots to learn in a new role, so make sure that you’re providing on the job training and resources to help them be confident and competent in their role. 

It’s also worth checking in regularly with new staff members during their first few weeks and months to see how they’re managing. You can use these regular check-ins as an opportunity to provide constructive criticism and address any concerns or issues they’re having. You should make it clear that they’re always welcome to contact you with any questions or concerns in return. 

Lastly, don’t forget to celebrate the achievements and milestones of your team members old and new. Creating a positive workplace environment requires ongoing effort so that staff feel as valued and motivated as they did on their first day.

Writing a thoughtful welcome message for new team members is an essential part of the onboarding process. Not only does it help to create a positive first impression, but it fosters a supportive workplace environment for all, leading to increased job satisfaction, productivity and overall success for the team. By using our tips and templates, you’re sure to give your new team members the warm welcome they deserve.


What should be included in a welcome message?

A well-written welcome message should:

  1. Start with a short and sweet greeting: start the message with a warm and friendly greeting – like “Welcome to the team!” or “Welcome, [name]” – to make the new team member feel at ease.
  2. Express your enthusiasm: communicate your excitement about having them on board. Express genuine enthusiasm for working with them and getting to know them..
  3. Encourage questions and feedback: make it clear that you are open to questions and encourage new team members to reach out if they need clarification on anything. Emphasise that asking questions is a natural part of the onboarding process.

How can I personalise the message for each new staff member?

There are a few ways you can customise a welcome message template for a new staff member. Firstly, begin the message by addressing them by their name.

You could also highlight the specific skills and knowledge that the new individual will bring to the team. Similarly, you might reference their professional background and relate them to their new role in the team.

What is the best medium to deliver the message?

The best medium to deliver the message depends on a number of factors, like your company’s policies, your workplace culture and your individual preferences. If you’re looking to send a more formal welcome message that includes important information about the new team member’s first day, then an email might be the best way. For a more casual and interactive approach, a messaging app, like Slack or Teams, could be the way to go. If you work onsite together, you should welcome your new team member in person. 

How can I measure the impact of the welcome message?

One of the best ways to evaluate the impact of your welcome message is to ask for feedback from the new staff member directly. You could use a quick feedback survey to see how they found the onboarding process and if they have any suggestions for improvement.

What if the new staff member doesn't respond to the message?

Starting a new job can be stressful, so give new team members some time to reply to your welcome message. If a few days have passed and you haven’t received anything, you may want to follow up with them to see how they’re settling in. 

It could even be worth sending a follow-up message via a different channel just in case they haven’t received your original message. If you’d like to offer further support, set them up with a buddy for their first few weeks or schedule an in-person catch-up to see how they’re doing and if there’s anything else you can do to help. 

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