What defines great management?

What defines great management?
SEEK content teamupdated on 10 December, 2019

Good managers come in all shapes and sizes; their personalities and character traits can be as varied as a bag of mixed lollies. But regardless of whether they’re loud or quiet, zany or to-the-point, all good managers have a few things in common.

Being able to identify good management is important because it impacts your job satisfaction, career development opportunities and a positive working environment. Kristine Tuazon, Principal Consultant of Good People HR says, “Who the leader is and the decisions they make are what sets the tone. When the head of the fish stinks – so does the rest of the body, so look for clues and ask yourself if you’re prepared to commit to this person or the company’s visions and goals together.”

Here we outline five signs of great management, and how you can ensure the next company you work for advocates for them.

Being able to identify good management is important because it impacts your job satisfaction, career development opportunities and a positive working environment.
  1. They trust their employees. There’s nothing worse than a manager who micromanages, wanting to know what their employees are doing every minute of every day. A company that allows or even encourages its employees to get their work done remotely or autonomously with the goal of results shows a great amount of trust, and leads to harmonious work conditions.

  2. They have respectful and supportive teams. Often, signs of good management can be traced back to the team. Tuazon says, “Find out whether team members listen to each other and provide each other time, even when they may not agree on certain decisions.” SEEK company reviews is the perfect place to read about others’ experiences of their own teams.

  3. They care about their employees’ development. A good manager puts themselves in their employees’ shoes, and reshapes their roles into something they can continue to grow into, or promotes them when they’re deserving of it. A good manager understands that if their employees stop learning and being challenged, they will want to go elsewhere.

  4. They lead a balanced lifestyle. The best kinds of managers live and breathe their jobs, but at the same time, have lives outside of work. They understand the need to balance work with family and free time, and lead by example.

  5. They provide clear direction. If a senior leader doesn’t know where the company is headed, how can its employees know? A bigger picture is what usually informs day-to-day tasks and deliverables, so a good manager should be able to communicate a clear vision of the department or company’s future to their employees. “The leadership of an organisation is critical, it’s like choosing who you will marry, so take the time to consider why you and the company align,” says Tuazon.

But first, you’ll need to find out more about the company and its values. SEEK’s company reviews is the easiest way to research companies before you start working there, offering honest, employee-led information with an accurate rating system based on thousands of reviews.

Tuazon advises, “Slow down, and target the right company with the right management, instead of looking for the shiny bells and whistles, as this can sway your perception and block out what really matters to you.”

Find a company that aligns to your values. SEEK company reviews. Real reviews by real employees.

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