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Community Services
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46 courses found
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Diploma of Community Services (Case Management)

This qualification provides you with the skills to undertake case work, provide client services and support communities.

1 Institution offers this course


24 months self-paced

Bachelor of Community Services

This qualification provides you with the skills and knowledge to work in a range of roles within the community services sector.
1 Institution offers this course

University of New EnglandFEATURED

2 years full-time (part-time available)

Diploma of Community Services

This diploma gives you the skills to work under broad direction from management and provide person-centred support to individuals and communities.
3 Institutions offer this course

Hader Institute of EducationFEATURED

18 months part-time

TAFE Queensland

1 year full-time
Online, On-campus

TAFE Gippsland

2 years full-time
Online, On-campus