10 ways to boost your job search

10 ways to boost your job search
SEEK content teamupdated on 25 September, 2020

Looking for your next role but feeling overwhelmed by the process of searching and applying for jobs? These 10 practical steps will supercharge your job search.

Sometimes, the process of finding a job – or that next opportunity – can feel like a job in itself.

It takes time to prepare and send off applications, and it can be disheartening to feel like the work you’re putting in isn’t getting you where you hoped to be.

But if you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed, there are actions you can take to make your job search more effective, get unstuck and build your confidence at the same time.

Here are 10 ways to boost your job search.

1. Set your career goals

One of the most effective ways to get where you want is by setting goals. Short- or long-term goals can help you determine what you want from your working life and then map out the steps to take. Using a career planner can prompt you to reflect and take action on what motivates you, your strengths and the industries and roles you’re interested in. These tips on how to set goals that actually stick can help you make sure your goals are achievable.

2. Update your resume

Ensuring your experience, skills and training are up to date on your resume is a simple but powerful way to be ready to apply for a position at a moment’s notice. It can feel daunting to think about updating your resume, especially if you haven’t done it in a while. But once you begin, you might find it builds your confidence to have your skills or experience down on paper. If you’re not sure where to start, this free resume template can help you.

3. Update your online profile

The best way to maximise your chance of employers finding you is to have a strong online presence. More and more recruiters are searching for potential employees online, so take a few minutes to make sure your SEEK profile stands out.

4. Prepare your references

Having the right references can make all the difference to landing a potential job. When you’re ready to start applying for roles, get in touch with your referees, let them know you’re applying for work and ask if they’re happy to vouch for you. If you get to the stage where you’ve been interviewed for a role, it’s a good idea to contact your referees again to make sure they know the details of the particular job you’re going for and the aspects of your experience or skills you’d like them to highlight.

5. Write a cover letter that wows

A well-written cover letter can increase your chances of landing a job. It doesn’t need to be longer than one page and should give a snapshot of your skills, qualifications and experience and how they relate to the job description. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some tips on how to write a great cover letter.

6. Research what you might be asked in an interview

Job interviews can be nerve-racking, but you can boost your confidence by getting an idea of the questions you’ll be asked then practicing how you’ll answer. Have a read of these 10 common interview questions and how to answer them, and give this practice interview builder a try.

7. Tap into your network to find work

One of the most powerful ways of finding out about work opportunities is through networks. ‘Network’ really refers to anyone you know or have worked with in the past – even your hairdresser is part of your network. You can build and keep in touch with your network online: put some time into connecting or reconnecting with people. Sometimes a short message is all it takes to start up a conversation about where you’re at work-wise. This networking template can help you keep track.

8. Get in touch with recruiters in your industry

If you’re looking for work, recruiters are great people to be in touch with. Connecting with recruiters in your industry can save time and can help improve your CV and interviewing skills. Recruiters are also great at keeping you in the loop with relevant news and events.

9. Reach out to businesses you want to work for

Do you have an ideal job in mind, or a business you’ve dreamt about working for? If so, consider going direct to them, expressing your interest in working there and asking about job opportunities. You’ll want to research the business thoroughly before you reach out, but there are plenty of ways to tailor your communication to maximise your chance of success.

10. Consider volunteering

When setting goals, you might have realised there’s an opportunity to give back to the community. Volunteering is an excellent way to contribute to those in need, but you’ll also gain new skills and make new connections while doing so.

Job searching can be a lengthy process, and at times it can be overwhelming or fatiguing. Trying these strategies can help you strengthen your approach, boost your confidence and get you on track to landing that next role.

Broadening your job search to include different activities can help, but it’s also important to be patient with the process and go easy on yourself. Be sure to allow time in your day for enjoyable activities like catching up with friends and family, or taking time out for the things you like best.

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