5 lessons you learn from a job you hate

5 lessons you learn from a job you hate
SEEK content teamupdated on 10 December, 2019

Have you found yourself stuck in a job you hate? Are you bored with your tasks, or not getting along with your colleagues or manager, or not feeling passionate about the company you’re working for? Either way, you can discover a lot about yourself when you’re in a demanding situation like this. Here are five lessons you can learn from a job you hate, which will help you find a job you love.

  1. Resilience is invaluable. Don’t give up as soon as the going gets tough. Unless your mental or physical health is suffering as a result of your job, you shouldn’t throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble. The longer you work to find ways through challenging situations, the more you will realise just what you’re capable of achieving, and that you can handle more than you thought you could. Sticking it out may also help you uncover what’s most important to you and what to look out for in your next role. That’s called resilience, and it’s a powerful quality to have.
  2. You can help yourself by finding the positives in a negative situation. No one has it easy all of the time. Everyone has their difficulties, even in the most enjoyable jobs. But if you focus on the good parts of your job – free catered lunches, the occasional interesting seminar – you’re bound to feel more positive. It’s also important to remember that things won’t stay this way forever. You have the power to either improve the job you’re in or find something that’s a better fit. Take a moment to remind yourself that you’ve done well to give it a go in the first place!
  3. Getting constructive feedback is crucial. Sometimes we can find ourselves trapped in negative cycles of thinking, and lose perspective. If you’re having difficulty dealing with your boss, it can be very helpful to get a second opinion on the situation. Consider asking a colleague you get along well with if they ever experience the same difficulties. They may be able to provide some useful information or advice. Stick to seeking constructive feedback from others so that you don’t fall into the trap of idle gossip.
  4. It’s important to dedicate time to your passions outside of work. Your work doesn’t define you, but it can be hard to remember this if most of your waking hours are consumed by your job. If you are working overtime all the time without compensation then chat to your boss, as they are legally obligated to provide fair working conditions. With your precious personal time, make an effort to make time for things that bring a smile to your face, whether that’s spending time with friends, playing soccer, or learning pottery. It’s your life, so make the most of it!
  5. Maintaining a good work ethic is helpful. We tend to do ourselves a disservice when we’re dissatisfied, by deliberately slowing down and slacking off. But this just makes you look bad. At the end of the day, your boss is paying you to fulfill a particular task, so do yourself a favour and do it well. Try to ignore any negative thoughts while you’re at work, and focus on doing your job. You’ll appear a lot more professional, and be able to get a positive work reference that will help you to get a job you love, when the time comes.

Ultimately, remember that nothing that’s worthwhile comes easy. But even in a dire work environment you can gain valuable lessons in perseverance, positivity, communication, focusing on your passions and the value of hard work.

We tend to do ourselves a disservice when we’re dissatisfied, by deliberately slowing down and slacking off. But this just makes you look bad.

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