So you’ve been unemployed or have taken time out from work. What if you’re asked about it at the interview? Can you respond confidently and quash any concerns that the employer may have?
Some employers read into long gaps and think that there’s something wrong with a candidate - they don’t see it as simply time out.
If you want the job, you’ll need to make the interviewer feel comfortable about those gaps in your resume. Here’s how:
We asked recruiters for sample answers you can use. Here’s what they told us:
Have a succinct, but plausible answer prepared and practice it out loud until you sound relaxed and genuine.
“I was unfortunately made redundant in January 2015 and rather than starting a new role straight away, I took the opportunity to pursue my passion for windsurfing, as well as travelling, to visit South America, somewhere I have always wanted to see.” Greg Tadman, of Page Group.
“The gap you see in my CV was due to caring for my ageing parents who have been in ill-health for some time. Given the level of care they have required, I made the conscious decision to take a break from work in order to care for them full time.” Tadman.
“Following my redundancy I invested time in my professional development and attended various networking functions to exchange best practice, keep on top of the latest industry developments and expand my contacts.” Nick Deligiannis, of Hays.
“I have taken the opportunity to brush up on my skills by studying online full time during this break. As a result I have extended my knowledge and skills in (career field).” Jane Hollman of SEEK.
Remember. It’s all about being prepared. Know what you’re going to say, practice it on friends, and just do it.