How long should a resumé be?

How long should a resumé be?
SEEK content teamupdated on 16 February, 2024

Your resumé is your first impression: a brief yet insightful look at your professional experience and skills. It’s natural to want to list everything you can on it, but it’s important that your resumé isn’t too long.

The length of your resumé can have a big impact on your job search. To make a strong first impression, it should be a concise, well-structured document that highlights your most relevant qualifications and experiences in an easy-to-read format. 

But exactly how long should a resumé be? Follow our guide on how to create a resumé that’s long enough to list all your best qualities but short enough for a hiring manager to quickly scan. Whether you’re a fresh graduate or a seasoned professional, here’s how to strike the perfect balance between brevity and substance.

How many pages should a resumé be?

There’s no set rule when it comes down to the length of your resumé – the length changes depending on your level of experience, the industry and the specific job you’re applying for. In the next sections, we take a look at these factors in more detail, helping you work out the perfect resumé length for your situation. Here are the main factors that influence your resumé length.

Professional experience

The amount of professional experience you have will influence the length of your resumé. For professionals with extensive experience, a two-page resumé is needed to list their work history and achievements. On the other hand, entry-level professionals or recent graduates should generally aim for a shorter, one-page resumé.

Industry norms

Different industries have different expectations when it comes to resumé length. In academia and research, longer resumés are often needed to provide detailed listings of publications, research projects and educational background. For most other fields, one-page resumés are enough to get across key information quickly and effectively.

Relevance to the position

It’s essential to tailor your resumé length based on how relevant your experience is to the job you’re applying for. This means sharing information that directly relates to the position to keep the content targeted. Avoid cluttering your resumé with unnecessary details that don’t add value to your application for the specific role.

Formatting and readability

How your resumé looks and reads is just as important as the information it shares. A well-formatted resumé, no matter its length, should look clean and easy to read. Use bullet points and leave plenty of white space to keep it neat and uncluttered. A well-structured resumé will be able to showcase your qualifications clearly, even when space is limited.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes. Some are known to favour shorter resumés, as they can quickly scan key qualifications and relevant skills. When writing your resumé, consider how it will navigate through ATS, as this can increase your chances of making it to the next stage of the hiring process.

What’s the difference between a resumé and a CV? 

While a resumé and a curriculum vitae (CV) are both essential tools in applying for jobs, they serve different purposes and are used in different contexts. 

When do you send a resumé?

A resumé is appropriate for the vast majority of jobs, no matter what industry you’re in. It’s a concise document, one to two pages long, tailored to the specific job you are applying for. The resumé focuses on your skills and experiences that are directly relevant to the job.

When do you send a CV?

A CV is commonly used for academic, educational, scientific and research roles. A CV is a more detailed document that covers your entire career. Rather than providing a snapshot of your career, it’s a complete roundup of your academic background, teaching experience, degrees, research, awards, publications, presentations and other achievements.

Comparison between a resumé and CV


  • Resumé: typically one to two pages. It’s a brief snapshot of your most relevant experiences and skills.
  • CV: much longer and more detailed, especially for professionals with extensive academic or research backgrounds.


  • Resumé: focuses on skills and experiences relevant to the job you’re applying for and should be customised each time.
  • CV: provides a comprehensive overview of your entire academic and professional history including all jobs, research, publications and more.


  • Resumé: the primary focus is on relevant professional experiences, skills and accomplishments. It’s more about what you can bring to the specific role.
  • CV: emphasises academic achievements including research, publications and educational background. 


  • Resumé: common sections include work experience, education, skills and sometimes a resumé summary or objective statement.
  • CV: includes sections like education, publications, research experience, teaching experience, awards, grants and more.

10 ways to keep your resumé concise 

Recruiters and hiring managers often don’t have much time to read through all the applications they receive in detail, so being able to present a succinct, well-crafted resumé is a valuable skill for you to develop. It not only respects the reader’s time but also highlights your ability to communicate efficiently. 

Here, we explore 10 practical strategies to help you trim your resumé down, ensuring that every word on the page serves a purpose and strengthens your application.

1. Keep the description of each role to 3–7 bullet points

When detailing your professional experiences on your resumé, you should keep the information brief. Limit the description of each role to seven bullet points, to make sure that you only stick to the most relevant information. Here’s how:

  • Condense job responsibilities: focus on the most important tasks you were responsible for in each role. Instead of listing every duty, focus on those most relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • Prioritise key achievements and responsibilities: highlight your most significant achievements in each role. Think about moments where you added value, solved a problem or made a difference. 
  • Focus on relevance to the target role: tailor your bullet points to match the needs and expectations of the job you’re applying for. If you’re applying for a marketing position, emphasise responsibilities and achievements in previous roles that demonstrate your marketing successes.

2. Include impressive, measurable achievements

On any type of resumé, listing quantifiable achievements is important. Figures directly related to performance are evidence of a person’s capabilities and impact.

  • Include specific figures and data to quantify your achievements. For example, if you contributed to revenue growth, share the percentage increase. If you are a project manager, mention the scale and budget of the project or the number of people you led in the team. 
  • Choose achievements that show your positive impact on previous employers or projects. This could include times when you exceeded targets, implemented a successful strategy, or won recognition from an employer. 
  • Tailor these achievements to align with the job you’re applying for. If the role requires a strong sales background, emphasise achievements related to sales targets and client acquisition. For a leadership position, focus on achievements that demonstrate your ability to manage teams and drive results.

3. Limit each bullet points to 2 lines 

Your resumé needs to be easy to read so it can provide key information at a glance. This often comes down to the length of your bullet points. Limiting each bullet point to a maximum of two lines each ensures that your resumé is easy to scan.

  • Aim to fit your achievements and responsibilities into short statements. Use strong action verbs and clear language to make each point impactful.
  • While it’s important to include relevant details, the goal is to get across your experience and achievements as efficiently as possible. Avoid complex sentences and unnecessary jargon. 
  • Each bullet point should communicate a clear and valuable message. Think about what the reader needs to know and how you can best express that information within two lines. 

4. Don’t include irrelevant hobbies 

While hobbies and personal interests can sometimes add a unique touch to your resumé — especially if you’re a recent graduate or still in high school — it's important to be selective and strategic about what you include.

  • If a hobby or interest doesn't boost your application for the specific role, it’s best to leave it out. For instance, mentioning a hobby like ‘reading’ might not add much value unless you’re applying for a role in publishing or a similar field where it’s directly relevant.
  • The main focus of your resumé should be on your professional experiences, skills and achievements. These are the elements that potential employers are most interested in. The space on your resumé is valuable, so every line should be impactful.

5. Condense contact information

The contact information section of your resumé, while important, should be concise and to the point. This area is not where you want to take up valuable space that could be better used for showcasing your skills and experiences. 

  • Your contact information should include only the essentials. This typically means your name, phone number and an email address. Ensure that your email address is professional-sounding, ideally comprising your name. 
  • Depending on your field, you might also consider including a SEEK profile or a personal website, especially if these platforms showcase your portfolio or network.
  • Format your contact information in a clear, easy-to-read manner. This section should be at the top of your resumé, but it doesn’t need to be overly large.

6. Choose a clean and readable format

The format of your resumé contributes to how effective it is. A clean, professional layout makes it easier to read, ensuring that the most important information stands out. Here’s how to format your resumé:

  • Avoid graphics-heavy designs that can distract from the content. The focus should be on making your resumé easy to scan and understand.
  • Select fonts that are professional and easy to read. Choose fonts like Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman between 10 and 12 points in size.
  • Maintain consistent formatting, including use of bold, italics, bullet points and font sizes. For example, if you bold one job title, ensure all job titles are bolded. 
  • White space between text is important for readability. Avoid cramming too much text onto the page. 
  • Place the most important information where it’s most likely to be seen. Typically, this means starting with your most recent and relevant experiences.
  • Unless you’re in a field where graphic design skills are a key part of the job, it’s best to avoid using images or graphics. These elements can confuse an ATS and take up valuable space.

7. Limit education details

The education section of your resumé is important, but it should be concise, especially if you have years of more recent professional experience. By including only the most essential details, you can save space for sections that showcase your skills and achievements.

  • Focus on the highest degree earned: prioritise listing your highest level of education. If you have a master's degree, it’s not always necessary to include details about your undergraduate degree, unless it adds specific value to your job application.
  • Omit graduation dates for older degrees: if you’ve been in the workforce for a considerable time, the graduation date for your degree isn’t relevant.
  • Include relevant educational achievements: if you have any honours, awards or specific accomplishments that are relevant to the job or highlight your capabilities, include them.
  • Professional development and certifications: if you have completed any professional development courses or certifications that are more relevant to the job than your formal education, definitely add them. 

8. Optimise white space

The effective use of white space helps create a resumé that is both easy on your eyes and informative. Here’s how to achieve a balanced layout:

  • Avoid overcrowding the page: don’t try to fill every inch of the page with text. Aim for a clean, uncluttered look with plenty of white space.
  • Maintain a balanced layout: ensure that the distribution of text and white space is balanced. This can be achieved by having consistent margins on all sides of the page and spacing between sections. 
  • Use bullet points effectively: bullet points are a great way to organise information so it’s easy to read. They help in breaking down information into digestible pieces.
  • Be mindful of line spacing: too much line spacing can make your resumé look sparse, while too little can make it look cramped. Find a balance that makes the content comfortable to read.
  • Choose the right font size: if you opt for a slightly smaller font size, for example, size 10 instead of size 12, you add to the white space on the page, while still making sure the resumé is easy to read.

9. Consider including hyperlinks

In the digital age, resumés have evolved beyond just paper documents. Including hyperlinks in your resumé can be a strategic way to provide additional information without cluttering the document.

  • If you have an online portfolio, like a SEEK profile that showcases your professional background and achievements, include a hyperlink. Only include hyperlinks that are relevant and contribute to your job application. 
  • By providing hyperlinks, you can keep your resumé concise while offering easy access to more detailed information. For example, instead of listing all your projects or publications, you can direct readers to an online portfolio or a detailed projects section on social media.
  • Ensure that the hyperlinks in your resumé are accessible and clearly marked. Consider using a different text colour or underlining to make them stand out.
  • Before sending out your resumé, test all hyperlinks to ensure they work correctly and lead to the intended web page. Broken or incorrect links can reflect poorly on your attention to detail.

10. Seek feedback from others

One of the most effective ways to ensure your resumé hits the mark is to seek feedback from others. Fresh eyes can offer new perspectives and insights, helping you find areas that may need improving or cutting down.

  • Ask for feedback from peers or mentors: choose people who have a good understanding of your industry or the type of roles you are applying for, as they can offer more targeted advice.
  • Diverse perspectives: consider getting feedback from people in different roles or industries to provide a broader range of insights.
  • Focus on purpose and relevance: ask your reviewers to specifically look at whether each piece of information on your resumé serves a clear purpose. 
  • Balance brevity and substance: sometimes, in the effort to keep the resumé short, you might have to cut out important details. Get feedback to make sure you’re sharing (and cutting) the right information.
  • Make revisions: be open to making several rounds of edits based on the feedback you receive. Each version can bring you closer to a resumé that accurately and effectively represents your professional brand.

Download your resumé template 

Writing a concise and impactful resumé can make all the difference when it comes to standing out and landing an interview. To help you in this important step of your job hunt, download a free resumé template. This can be the basis of your one-page resumé, communicating your skills and experiences in an eye-catching way. 


What is the recommended length for a resumé? 

The recommended length for a resumé is typically one to two pages. This length allows you to provide an overview of your most relevant experiences and skills, tailored to the position you're applying for. A one-page resumé is often ideal for entry-level candidates, while for professionals with more extensive experience, a two-page resumé works.

How does professional experience impact resumé length? 

Professional experience significantly impacts you long your resumé should be. More experienced candidates may require a two-page resumé to cover their work history, while less experienced candidates or recent graduates should aim for a concise, one-page resumé.

Are there industry-specific guidelines for resumé length? 

Yes, there are industry-specific guidelines for resumé length. Academic and research positions often require longer resumés or CVs to share publications, research and educational background, while tech and creative industries only require one-page resumés.

How should I tailor my resumé length based on the job I'm applying for?

Tailor your resumé length by focusing on any experiences or skills that might be relevant to the job. Only include the most important information, and highlight your most relevant qualifications.

Is there an ideal resumé length for applicant tracking systems (ATS)? 

For applicant tracking systems (ATS), a one to two-page resumé is generally ideal. ATS systems are designed to scan information, and a concise resumé can help ensure that your key qualifications are easily picked up.

What are the formatting considerations for maximising resumé space? 

To maximise resumé space, use a clean layout with easy-to-read fonts, bullet points for descriptions and plenty of white space, so it is easy to read. Avoid unnecessary graphics and keep margins and line spacing balanced.

How can recent graduates optimise their resumé length?

Recent graduates can optimise their resumé length by focusing on relevant educational achievements, internships, volunteer work and any applicable skills or projects. As a recent graduate, prioritise quality over quantity, highlighting experiences and skills that match the job you're applying for.

In what cases should a CV be used instead of a resumé? 

A CV should be used instead of a resumé when applying for academic, educational, scientific or research positions. CVs are more detailed and cover your entire academic and professional history.

Can a resumé be longer than two pages? 

While it’s generally recommended to keep a resumé to one or two pages, in situations for highly experienced professionals with extensive careers, a resumé can extend beyond two pages. If going beyond two pages, ensure that all information included is relevant and adds value to your application.

What are the key differences between a resumé and a CV? 

The key differences between a resumé and a CV include length, content and purpose. A resumé is typically one to two pages long and tailored to a specific job, focusing on relevant skills and experiences. A CV is more detailed, covering your academic and professional history.

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