Data Architect
Create and optimise systems used in the acquisition and management of data
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On this page
- What's it like to be a Data Architect?
- How to become a Data Architect
- Latest Data Architect jobs
- Top skills and experience for Data Architects
- Data Architect role reviews
What's it like to be a Data Architect?
Data Architects are experts in the collection and storage of large amounts of data. They use their knowledge of data acquisition, data analysis and data warehousing to create a data structure for use across an entire organisation. An aptitude for mathematics, solving complex problems and proficiency in software programming are key to the role of a Data Architect. They work for government departments, universities, and companies in the IT, financial, professional and technical services industries.
Tasks and duties
- Designing, deploying and managing an organisation’s data structure.
- Conceptualising, modelling and optimising large databases.
- Researching new opportunities for data acquisition.
- Determining database structural requirements.
- Providing database support through provision of utilities and responding to user queries.
- Training others in the proper and efficient use of databases.
- Organising and categorising data from multiple sources, both structured and unstructured.
- Visualising impacts of proposed changes to data acquisition and storage.
How to become a Data Architect
A bachelor degree in data science, computer science or a related field is usually required in order to become a Data Architect. Programming and data science bootcamps may also be valuable in developing skills and knowledge in specialised tools and techniques. Association and industry vendor certifications are available and may improve your employability.
- 1.Complete a Bachelor of Science (Data Science) or a Bachelor of Computer Science. This is a three-year course of full-time study.
- 2.Seek out internship and placement opportunities while studying in order to gain practical experience.
- 3.Consider completing postgraduate study, such as the Master of Data Science. This is usually a two-year course of full-time study.
- 4.Consider completing additional bootcamps and certifications from approved industry vendors and associations. Certifications may require completion of an exam.
Compare your salary
Find out how your salary compares with the average salary for Data Architects.Latest Data Architect jobs on SEEK
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Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Data Architect employers on SEEK are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. Data Architecture
Data Modelling
Data Governance
Data Warehousing
Data Integration
Data Lakes
Data Quality
Data Management
Microsoft Azure
Data Security
Source: SEEK job ads and SEEK Profile data
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Latest Data Architect reviews
5.0May 2021
Data Architects have a lot of responsibility
Experience5 – 9 years
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
SpecialisationData Analytics
The good thingsIts great being able to take data and solve peoples problems.
You get to work on a variety of projects and different data domains and tackle large complex problems. Data Architects get to look at t...
The challengesYou need to keep up with technologies, frameworks and a varitey of security policies. Data touches all areas of IT so undeerstanding real time, through to slow moving data is important.
You will wor...
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4.0Sep 2024
Laying the foundations for valuable data
Reviewer's QualificationBachelor of Computer Science
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
SpecialisationGovernment & Defence
The good thingsData Architecture is an exciting and a rewarding career. You get to design the underlying foundational archicture that enables organisation's decision making capability facilitating the organisation t...
The challengesMisconceptions of what is in scope of Data Architecture. There are instances where people confuse Data Architecture with Enterprise Architecture or other Architecture areas that are outside the scope ...
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Source: SEEK role reviews
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