Curtin University

Bachelor of Science (Medical Radiation Science)

Curtin University
Institution rating
4 yearsfull-time
Study mode
Next start date

Why study this course

This program includes three majors: Medical Imaging, Medical Sonography and Radiation Therapy. Medical Imaging graduates work with several diagnostic imaging modalities including Computed and Digital Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mammography and Angiography equipment. They produce images which are used to confirm or exclude a medical diagnosis, to advise on a treatment or illness, monitor patient progress, or provide medical screening. A genuine interest in managing a wide range of patients and their needs is an important function of the professional. Medical Sonography graduates will complete an Honours degree as required for professional accreditation. Medical Sonographers are highly skilled professionals whose role involves a framework of skills encompassing, anatomical imaging, interpreting clinical information and manipulating the clinical examination to aid with diagnosis or treatment plans. Sonography uses real time data obtained from high definition ultrasound equipment. A genuine interest in managing a wide range of patients and their needs is an important function of the professional. Radiation Therapists play an integral role in the treatment, care and management of patients undergoing radiation therapy treatment, primarily in treating a range of cancer types.

Where is this course offered?

Available campuses

  • Perth

The course duration and available study modes can vary depending on the campus.

Visit Curtin University's website to find out more about your study options.

Student ratings of Curtin University courses

Curtin University
(751 reviews)
*Combined student rating of this institution's courses

Percentage of students that felt this course had a positive impact on their career
Percentage of students that would recommend this course to a friend, relative or colleague

Current and industry-relevant content
Course content compared to what was expected
Balance between theory and practical work
Quality of teachers and academic support
Ability to balance study with your other commitments
Assistance to help you find a job
Quality of online study portal
Transparency of course fees

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Bachelor of Science (Medical Radiation Science)